A. It shall be the responsibility of every physician practicing within the confines of the City to report immediately to the Health Officer any of the notifiable diseases as listed by the State Department of Health.
B. The Health Officer is empowered to declare any person to be quarantined when the nature of his illness is determined to be a threat to public health.
(1) When an emergency exists that threatens the public health, the Health Officer is authorized and empowered to enforce stricter quarantine regulations than herein declared.
(2) The period of quarantine shall be that period of time that the Health Officer considers the disease of the infected person communicable.
C. No person suffering from a quarantinable disease shall enter any hired or public conveyance or common carrier, nor enter upon public areas or places of public gathering.
D. The Health Officer shall order adequate terminal disinfection, cleansing and renovation of premises in all such cases where there was death or removal of a person suffering from quarantinable communicable diseases.
4. Editor's Note: Original § 10-112, Launderettes, laundromats and/or coin-operated laundries, which immediately followed this section, was repealed during codification (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Part 2).