A. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dangerous dog and/or aggressive dog to fail to keep such dangerous dog and/or aggressive dog under restraint or to permit such dangerous dog and/or aggressive dog to run at large upon the streets and public ways of the City.
B. Any dog, while on a street, sidewalk, public way or in any park, public square, or other public space, or upon any private property without the consent of the owner, shall be secured by a leash or chain of sufficient tensile strength to restrain the particular dog, or shall be at heel and securely muzzled.
C. No owner or custodian of any animal shall fail to exercise proper care and control of such animal to prevent the same from becoming a public nuisance.
D. Every female dog in heat shall be confined to the residence of the owner or keeper in such a manner that such female dog cannot come into contact with another animal except for planned breeding.
E. Tethering a dog outdoors shall be prohibited as per §141-207 Code Red or Code Blue above. [Amended 3-27-2017 by Ord. No. 25-2017]
A. Every owner of a guard or attack dog shall keep such dog confined in a building, compartment or other enclosure. Any such enclosure shall be completely surrounded by a fence at least six feet in height and shall be topped with an anticlimbing device constructed of angle metal braces with at least three strands of equally separated barbed wire stretched between them.
B. All anticlimbing devices shall extend inward at an angle of not less than 45° nor more than 90° when measured from the perpendicular.
C. The areas of confinement shall all have gates and entrances thereto securely closed and locked, and all fences property maintained and escape proof.
D. The provisions of this section shall not apply to dogs owned or controlled by government law enforcement agencies.
[Amended 12-28-2009 by Ord. No. 57-2009; 6-23-2014 by Ord. No. 48-2014]
A. Every dangerous dog, aggressive dog, or vicious animal shall be confined by its owner or authorized agent of its owner to the residence of the owner or keeper in accordance with Pennsylvania [P.S.] Title 3, Agriculture, Chapter 8, Dog Law 3 P.S. § 459-502. Such residence shall be conspicuously posted with a placard provided by the issuing office. Whenever off the premises of its owner, the dog shall be securely muzzled and restrained with a chain having a minimal tensile strength of 300 pounds and not more than three feet in length or caged.
B. If the animal is kept outdoors, the owner shall properly confine the dog or animal in a pen or structure with secure sides and a secure top. The pen shall be no less than six feet high and contain no less than 50 square feet of ground space. All pens shall comply with City zoning guidelines so as not to be offensive to the neighboring residents.
C. Every person harboring a dangerousdog or aggressive dog or vicious animal is charged with an affirmative duty to confine the animal in such way that children do not have access to such animal.
D. No person owning or harboring a dangerous dog or aggressive dog or vicious animal shall permit such dog or animal to go beyond the confined area of such person’s premises unless the dog or animal is securely leashed and muzzled. The leash shall not be longer than three feet. Retractable or flexi-leads are not allowed. The leash shall be controlled by an adult or by a person physically capable of controlling the dog or animal.
E. Once a dog is deemed to be dangerous, it shall be neutered or spayed so as not to propagate vicious characteristics inherent in the progeny of the dangerous dog.
[Amended 6-23-2014 by Ord. No. 48-2014]
Any person finding an animal at large upon his property may remove the same to any animal shelter that will take possession of the animal. If no such shelter is available, the property owner may hold the animal in their own possession, and as soon as possible, notify the Animal Control Officer. The property owner shall provide the Animal Control Officer with a description of the animal and the name of the owner if known. The City shall dispatch an animal control officer to take possession of the animal.
If the name of the owner or custodian of an animal found at large is known or can be obtained with reasonable dispatch, the Animal Control Officer shall make attempts to notify the owner.
Any animal control officer or other designated person on call who removes a large animal such as a horse, cow, mule or any other animal not acceptable by any animal hospital or shelter shall be authorized to call a trucking firm or company which shall convey the animal to a farm or other appropriate facility that has an agreement with the City to accept such animals. The disposition of any animal moved to a facility other than an animal hospital or shelter shall be handled in the same manner as though the animal were confined in an animal hospital or shelter. The City and Animal Shelter are authorized to bill the owner of the animal for any charges incurred.