A. All premises containing water closet facilities and all premises containing toilet facilities including hand lavatories, urinals and bathtubs or showers shall have waste lines conducted to the City sanitary sewer system, where municipal sewer lines are available.
B. Where toilet facilities are provided for the public, or where toilet facilities are provided for employees, toilet facilities shall be provided for each sex, and shall include hand-washing facilities with hot and cold water, soap dispenser, single-service towels or hand-drying facilities, and approved waste receptacles.
C. The floors and walls of provided toilet facilities shall be impervious to water, smooth and easily cleanable.
D. Toilet rooms without natural light and ventilation shall be provided with an exhaust system activated by the operation of the light switch, capable of changing the total number of cubic feet of air every five minutes.
E. On-lot sewage systems are permitted only where municipal sewer lines are not available. On-lot sewage shall be constructed in accordance with the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act,3 and shall be approved by the Health Officer.
F. Each property owner shall be responsible for the correction of malfunction of any on-lot sewage system.
G. Potable water, when made available by the City, shall be used in preference to any other water source.
3. Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 750.1 et seq.