Art of all types and experiences located in public places and open to all is a vital part of a creative place-making project when it is joined to a larger vision for community goals and for the community itself. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish a process for the City to consider public art projects that will effectively enliven neighborhoods and create outcomes such as safety, livability, walkability, health, and economic development.
A. Any person, organization or entity wishing to place any artwork installation upon public property shall submit such proposal to the City Clerk's Office.
B. An internal Public Art Review Committee shall review each proposal. The Committee shall be composed of the Historic Preservation Specialist, a City Planner, the Public Works Operations Division Manager, the City Clerk and Traffic Sergeant or his representative. The Director of Public Works shall appoint a Chairperson from the membership. The Berks Arts Council shall be an ex officio member of the committee to provide advice on art but shall not have a vote.
C. The Public Art Review Committee shall provide a written evaluation of each proposal based on the following factors: the suitability and appropriateness of the proposed location for the installation; the proposers' plan and ability for maintenance and upkeep of the installation; and provisions for insuring the memorial against damage, vandalism and disrepair. In addition, if the proposed location of an art installation has been subject to a master or comprehensive-planning initiative, the proposed installation should be in comport with any such valid plan. The Review Committee shall provide this written evaluation to City Council with a recommendation.
D. At its discretion, the Public Art Review Committee may request the approval of or advice of the proposed art installation from the Planning Commission.
E. Any mural, banner, or other artwork installation proposed to be located within or immediately adjacent to a designated historic or conservation district shall be subject to the advance approval of the Historic Architectural Review Board.
F. Approval of the installation shall require the approval of City Council by resolution.