General Provisions
30.01 Form of government
30.02 Oath of office
30.03 Bonds
30.04 City departments
30.05 City Commission to act as Board of Finance
30.06 Receipts for money received
30.07 Warrants; execution; registration
30.08 Removal of officers
Mayor and City Commission
30.20 City Commission
30.21 Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem
30.22 Vacancies in City Commission
30.23 City Commission meetings
30.24 Compensation
30.25 Absence from meetings
City Manager
30.40 Appointment; term; qualifications; salary
30.41 Duties and responsibilities; role at Commission meetings
Officers and Employees
30.55 City Attorney
30.56 City Clerk and City Treasurerr
30.57 Police officers
30.99 Penalty
City Organizations, see Chapter 32