General Provisions
34.01 Jurisdiction
34.02 Power to issue process
34.03 Issuance of warrants
34.04 Issuance of citation or summons
34.05 Location
34.06 Suspension, probation, and community services
34.07 Mandatory corrections fee
34.08 Mandatory judicial education fee
34.09 Mandatory court automation fee
Municipal Judge
34.20 Presiding officer
34.21 Election
34.22 Bond; salary, benefits, and work hours
34.23 Temporary incapacity or absence
34.24 Duties of temporary Municipal Judge
34.25 Power to suspend execution of sentence or to place on probation; conditions
34.26 Docket and records
34.27 Monthly reports and remittances; itemized statements
Procedures Upon Arrest
34.40 Definitions
34.41 Right to telephone calls
34.42 Appearance before court
34.43 Citations
34.44 Failure to appear
34.99 Penalty
City Attorney, see § 30.55
Police officers, see § 30.57