Sec 110-145 Right To Shut Off Current
   A.   The authority reserves the right, at all times, without notice, to shut off current for light and power in the event it is found necessary on account of repairs, extensions, nonpayment of rates, noncompliance with applicable codes, or any other reason, and the authority shall not be responsible for any stoppages or interruptions in the supply or current or for any other damages resulting from the shutting off.
   B.   Electrical service may be cut off and service discontinued for any user of electricity from the City electric system for any of the following reason:
      1.   Violation of any ordinance provision relating to the electric system or violation of any ordinance provision or any provision of any code adopted by reference relating to electricity and electrical fixtures;
      2.   Any act or omission in regard to the electrical system or the use of electricity which jeopardizes the public health or safety, creates a public nuisance, or interferes with the rights of others; or
      3.   Failure to pay a utility bill or other proper charge in connection with the utilities by the time the bill becomes delinquent.