42-1   Statutory Authorization
   42-2   Findings Of Fact
   42-3   Statement Of Purpose
   42-4   Methods Of Reducing Flood Losses
   42-5   Definitions
   42-6   Lands To Which This Chapter Applies
   42-7   Basis For Establishing The Areas Of Special Flood Hazard
   42-8   Establishment Of Development Permit
   42-9   Compliance
   42-10   Abrogation And Greater Restrictions
   42-11   Interpretation
   42-12   Warning And Disclaimer Or Liability
   42-13   Designation Of The Floodplain Administrator
   42-14   Duties And Responsibilities Of The Floodplain Administrator
   42-15   Permit Procedures
   42-16   Variance Procedures
   42-17   Provisions For Flood Hazard Reduction-General Standards
   42-18   Same-Specific Standards
   42-19   Same-Standards For Subdivision Proposals
   42-20   Same-Standards For Areas Of Shallow Flooding (AO/AH Zones)
   42-21   Same-Floodways
   42-22   Same-Penalties For Noncompliance
Editor's note- Ord. No. 07-14, § 1, adopted October 1, 2007, amended Ch. 42 in its entirety to read as herein set out. Formerly, Ch. 42 pertained to similar subject matter, and derived from Ord. No. 95-03, Arts. 1-5.
Cross reference- Buildings and building regulations, Ch. 14; environment, Ch. 34; health and sanitation, Ch. 46; manufactured homes and trailers, Ch. 62; natural resources, Ch. 66; planning, Ch. 82; streets, sidewalks, and other public places, Ch. 90; subdivisions, Ch. 94; utilities, Ch. 110; zoning, Ch. 122; floodway, F-l district, § 122-506 et seq.; floodway fringe, F-2 district, § 122-536 et seq.
State Law reference- Oklahoma Flood Hazard Mitigation Program, 63 O.S. § 690.1 et seq.; application of the Oklahoma Floodplain Management Act to municipalities, 82 O.S. § 1618.