94-101   Intent
   94-102   Application
   94-103   Planning Commission Review
   94-104   City Council Review
   94-105   Approval Period
   94-106   Sectionalizing Subdivision Plats
   94-107   Conditional Approval Provisions
   94-108   Plat Specifications
   94-109   Improvement Plans; Generally
   94-110   Same; Specifications
   94-111   Preparation Of Plans
   94-112   Erosion And Sediment Control Plans
Cross reference- Any ordinance dedicating or accepting any plat or subdivision saved from repeal, § 1-7(N); environment, Ch. 34; floods, Ch. 42; manufactured homes and trailers, Ch. 62; subdivisions for mobile home, manufactured home, and travel trailer parks, § 62-45; natural resources, Ch. 66; planning, Ch. 82; streets, sidewalks, and other public places, Ch. 90; utilities, Ch. 110; vegetation, Ch. 114; zoning, Ch. 122.
State Law reference- Platting, 11 O.S. § 41-101 et seq.; vacating plats and public ways, 11 O.S. § 42-101 et seq.