Preliminary plats submitted to the Planning Commission shall be drawn at a scale of one hundred (100) feet to one (1) inch and shall bear, or be accompanied by, the following information or materials:
A. Descriptive margin data.
1. Map scale, north point, and date;
2. Proposed subdivision name;
3. Names and addresses of the owners of record, the subdivider, and the registered engineer preparing the plat; and
4. An inset key map showing the location of the proposed subdivision, referenced to existing or major streets and to government section lines or other survey control points, and including the boundaries and number of acres of the drainage area of which the proposed subdivision is a part;
B. Existing conditions.
1. Location and names of adjacent subdivisions and the owners of adjoining parcels of un-subdivided land;
2. Topography, with contour intervals of two (2) feet or less, referenced to a United States Geological Surveyor United States Coast and Geodetic Surveyor National Geodetic Survey benchmark;
3. Water elevations of adjoining lakes or steams at the date of the survey and the approximate high- and low-water elevations of such lakes or streams; if any portion of any land within the proposed subdivision lies within the City's designated floodplain, such fact and the land shall be clearly shown on the preliminary plat;
4. Location, widths, and name of all existing platted or dedicated streets, alleys or other public ways and easements, railroad and utility rights-of- way, parks, watercourses, drainage ditches, permanent buildings, bridges, and the location, size, and type of sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, culverts, power and natural gas lines and other surface and subsurface structures or pipelines; and
5. Zoning district classification (if there is more than one (1) classification, the dividing lines shall be shown) of land to be subdivided, as well as adjoining lands;
C. Proposed development.
1. The boundaries of the proposed subdivision to the indicated scale, showing the total perimeter; lengths of all lines shall be measured to the nearest foot and bearings of lines shall be given;
2. The location and width of proposed streets, alleys, easements, and pedestrian ways conforming to the approved street classification criteria;
3. The classification of every street within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision, in accordance with the intended use of the street based on the proposed design; this shall be done by placing the appropriate term directly on each street;
4. The location of all drainage channels and subsurface drainage structures, the proposed method of disposing of all runoff from the proposed subdivision, and the location and size of all drainage easements relating thereto, whether they are located within or outside of the proposed subdivision;
5. Approximate radii of all curves and lengths of all tangents;
6. Layout, numbers, and approximate dimensions of lots and the number or letter of each block;
7. Building setback lines with dimensions;
8. Indication of any lots on which use other than residential is proposed by the subdivider;
9. The location, size, and type of all proposed public utility lines, including storm and sanitary sewer, water, gas, and power lines. If a community sewage treatment plant or other type of community disposal system is to be installed or constructed to serve all or certain portions of the proposed subdivision, the general plan for such community type sewage treatment or disposal system shall be shown or accompany the plat and shall be so identified on the preliminary plat; and
10. The location and size of proposed parks, playgrounds, churches, school sites, or other special uses of land to be considered for dedication to public use or to be reserved by deed of covenant for the use of all property owners in the subdivision and any conditions of such dedication or reservation.
D. Additional materials.
1. Four (4) copies of a generalized statement, signed by the developer, describing the conditions existing on the site, suitability for development, and the potential effects of the proposed development upon the area;
2. Four (4) copies of a statement, signed by the registered engineer preparing the plat, that he has, to the best of his ability, designed the subdivision in accordance with the comprehensive plan, with which he is completely familiar, and in accordance with the ordinances and regulations governing the subdivision of land, except where an exception is requested in writing;
3. A description of the improvement, such as grading, paving, walkways, and the installation of utilities, etc., which the developer proposes to make and the times when they are proposed to be made;
4. Two (2) copies of profiles shall be furnished for each proposed street showing existing grades and proposed approximate grades and gradients on the centerline and along the property lines of the street;
5. Two (2) copies of the proposed house numbering system by lot in accordance with the specifications of Section 14-2 of this Code;
6. Where deed restrictions are to be recorded on the plat, a brief description of the proposed restrictions shall accompany the plat; and
7. In case of re-subdivision, a copy of the existing plat shall accompany the preliminary plat.
E. Floodplain subdivision materials.
1. Preliminary plan of on-site waste disposal systems, including disposal sites for lands subject to flooding or sanitary sewers with grade, pipe size, and points of discharge;
2. Preliminary plan of the drainage system with grade, pipe size, and location of outlet;
3. Preliminary plan of the water supply and distribution system with pipe sizes and location of hydrants; and
4. Proposed fill or other structure elevating techniques, levees, channel modifications, or other methods to overcome flood or related hazards and a statement describing their impacts on existing development in upstream and downstream areas.
(Code 1991, § 12-437)