Sec 94-112 Erosion And Sediment Control Plans
Erosion and sediment control plans shall be submitted for the Planning Commission's and City Council's review, showing compliance with the following provisions, before a final plat may be approved:
   A.   Stands of existing trees, as they are to be preserved upon project completion, specifying their locations on the property, shall be shown. Differentiation shall be made between existing trees to be preserved and trees proposed to be planted;
   B.   The projected sequence of work represented by the erosion and sediment control plan, as related to other major items of construction, shall be shown;
   C.   Development shall be accomplished so as to minimize adverse effects upon the natural or existing topography and soil conditions and to minimize the potential for erosion. No site shall be graded except in accordance with approved plans to meet foundation, parking, and the drainage requirements of these regulations;
   D.   Plans for development and construction shall minimize cut and fill operations;
   E.   During development and construction, adequate protective measures shall be provided to minimize damage from surface water to the cut face of excavations of the sloping surfaces of fills;
   F.   Fills shall not encroach upon natural watercourses, their floodplains, or constructed channels in a manner so as to adversely affect other properties;
   G.   Alteration of land in existing developed areas shall be conducted in such a manner that changes in patterns of natural drainage shall not adversely affect other landowners;
   H.   No construction materials or construction by-products shall be discarded in any drainage way or stream;
   I.   Land shall be developed in increments of workable size which can be completed during a single construction season. Erosion and sediment control measures shall be coordinated with the sequence of grading, development, and construction operations. Control measures, such as hydro-seeding, berms, interceptor ditches, terraces, and sediment traps, shall be put into effect prior to the commencement of each increment of the development/construction process;
   J.   Sediment basins (debris basins or silt traps) shall be installed in conjunction with the initial grading operations and maintained through the development process to remove sediment from runoff waters draining from land undergoing development;
   K.   Existing trees shall not be cut or otherwise damaged or destroyed within portions of property to be used for required open space, setback, or buffer requirements of the City's zoning regulations;
   L.   In cases where retention of natural trees would create unusual hardship or development problems in open space, setback, and buffer areas, planted trees may be required in lieu of preserving existing trees;
   M.   No paving with concrete, asphalt, or other impervious material within the tree crown zone of trees to be preserved shall be allowed; and
   N.   Soil and other materials shall not be temporarily or permanently stored in locations which would cause suffocation of root systems of trees to be preserved.
(Code 1991, § 12-441)