8-1-1: Admission Fees, Fraudulently Avoiding Payment Of
8-1-2: Assault
8-1-3: Assembly, Unlawful
8-1-4: Barbed Wire And Electric Fences
8-1-5: Battery
8-1-6: Birds; Injury To
8-1-7: Burglar Tools
8-1-8: Cigarettes Or Tobacco Sales To Minors
8-1-9: Cohabitation, Lewd (Rep. by Ord. 2021-15, 8-24-2021)
8-1-10: Collecting Crowds
8-1-11: Concealing Knowledge
8-1-12: Contraceptives; Sale Of
8-1-13: Cruelty
8-1-14: Delinquency, Encouraging
8-1-15: Disorderly Conduct
8-1-16: Disturbing The Peace
8-1-17: Public Intoxication And Possession Of Open Containers Of Alcohol
8-1-18: Escape, Aid In
8-1-19: Escapes
8-1-20: Expectorating On Sidewalk Or In Public Buildings
8-1-21: False Pretenses
8-1-22: False Representation
8-1-23: General Offense
8-1-24: Hypnotists Prohibited
8-1-25: Indecent Exposure
8-1-26: Injurious Material On Thoroughfares, Deposits Of
8-1-27: Junk, Keeping Of Restricted; Junk Dealers Prohibited
8-1-28: Letting Premises For Unlawful Purposes
8-1-29: Loudspeakers Or Sound Trucks
8-1-30: Lug Wheels Prohibited
8-1-31: Mufflers; Unnecessary Noise
8-1-32: Obscenity
8-1-33: Obscene Literature, Distribution Of
8-1-34: Offense, Aid To An
8-1-35: Petit Theft
8-1-36: Playing Ball On Streets Prohibited
8-1-37: Picketing
8-1-38: Picnics
8-1-39: Police Officers, Assistance To
8-1-40: Posting Bills
8-1-41: Property, Malicious Injury To
8-1-42: Prostitution
8-1-43: Prostitution, House Of
8-1-44: Resisting An Officer
8-1-45: Riot
8-1-46: Swindling
8-1-47: Trespassing
8-1-48: Vagrancy
8-1-49: Venereal Diseases; Literature Concerning
8-1-50: Water Flowing Upon Streets
8-1-51: Weapons, Furnishing To Prisoners
8-1-52: Windowsills To Be Kept Clear
8-1-53: Curfew For Children
8-1-54: Loitering Prohibited
8-1-55: Keeping Of Three Dogs And/Or Cats
8-1-56: Vandalism Prohibited; Parental Responsibility
8-1-57: Injuring, Damaging Or Defacing Public Or Private Property
8-1-58: Truancy
8-1-59: Graffiti
8-1-60: Repair Of Vehicles On Public Property
8-1-61: Possession Of Cannabis
It shall be unlawful for any person fraudulently to enter, without payment of the proper admission fee, any theater, ballroom, lecture, concert or other place where admission fees are charged; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit or restrict the free admission of a police officer engaged in the performance of police duties to any place of public entertainment or amusement. (1965 Code)