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10-1-1: Definitions
10-1-2: Illinois Vehicle Code Adopted
10-1-3: Motor Vehicle Theft Reporting Act Adopted
10-1-4: Child Passenger Protection Act Adopted
The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them:
AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE: Police vehicles, vehicles of the fire department, and ambulances.
BUSINESS DISTRICT: The closely built up business portion of this village.
CROSSWALK: The portion of a roadway ordinarily included within the prolongation or connection of the lateral lines of sidewalks at intersections. Any portion of a roadway distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the surface.
DEPARTMENT: The department of public works and buildings, of the state of Illinois acting directly or through its duly authorized officers or agents.
DRIVER: Every person who drives or is in actual physical control of a vehicle.
INTERSECTION: The area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines, or, if none, then the lateral boundary lines of the roadways of two (2) highways which join one another at, or approximately at, right angles, or the area within which vehicles traveling upon different highways joining at any other angle may meet or intersect.
MOTOR VEHICLE: Every vehicle which is self-propelled and every vehicle which is propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires, but not operated upon rails.
For the purpose of this chapter, motor vehicles as a class shall be divided into two (2) divisions, viz.:
   (A)   First: Those vehicles which are designed and used for the carrying of not more than seven (7) persons.
   (B)   Second: Those vehicles which are designed and used for pulling or carrying freight and also those vehicles or motor cars which are designed and used for the carrying of more than seven (7) persons.
MOTORCYCLE: Every motor vehicle having a saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three (3) wheels in contact with the ground but excluding a tractor.
PARKWAY: The portion between the curb line or the lateral lines of a roadway and the adjacent property line, except that where a sidewalk has been constructed or laid, it is the portion between the curb line or the lateral lines of a roadway to the nearest portion of the sidewalk.
PEDESTRIAN: Any person afoot.
PERSONS: Every natural person, firm or copartnership, association, or corporation.
PNEUMATIC TIRE: Every tire in which compressed air is designed to support the load.
POLICE OFFICER: Every officer authorized to direct or regulate traffic or to make arrests for violation of traffic regulations.
PRIVATE ROAD OR DRIVEWAY: Every way or place in private ownership and used for vehicular travel by the owner and those having express or implied permission from the owner but not by other persons.
RAILROAD: A carrier of persons or property upon cars, other than streetcars, operated upon stationary rails.
RAILROAD TRAIN: A steam engine, electric or other motor, with or without cars coupled thereto, operated upon rails, except streetcars.
RESIDENCE DISTRICT: The closely built up resident portion of this village.
RIGHT OF WAY: The privilege of the immediate use of the highway.
ROADWAY: That portion of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel.
SAFETY ZONE: The area or space officially set apart within a roadway for the exclusive use of pedestrians and which is protected, or is so marked or indicated, by adequate signs as to be plainly visible at all times while set apart as a safety zone.
SEMITRAILER: Every vehicle without motive power designed for carrying persons or property and for being drawn by a motor vehicle and so constructed that some part of its weight and that of its load rests upon or is carried by another vehicle.
SIDEWALK: The portion of a street between the curb lines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines intended for the use of pedestrians.
SOLID TIRE: Every tire of rubber or other resilient material which does not depend upon compressed air for the support of the load.
STATE HIGHWAYS: Whenever the term "state highways" is used in this title it shall be construed to include the highways, as defined in the act entitled: "An act in relation to state highways".
STREET OR HIGHWAY: The entire width between property lines of every way or place of whatever nature when any part thereof is open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for purposes of vehicular traffic.
STREETCAR: A car other than a railroad train for transporting persons or property and operated upon rails principally within this village.
SUBURBAN DISTRICT: The portion of this village other than the closely built up business and residence districts.
THROUGH HIGHWAY: Every highway or portion thereof at the entrances to which vehicular traffic from intersecting highways is required by law to stop before entering or crossing the same.
TRAFFIC: Pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, streetcars and other conveyances either singly or together while using any highway for purposes of travel.
TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES: All signs, signals, markings and devices not inconsistent with the "uniform act regulating traffic on highways" placed or erected by authority of a public body or official having jurisdiction, for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic.
TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL: Any device, whether manually, electrically or mechanically operated, by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and to proceed.
TRAILER: Every vehicle without motive power designed for carrying persons or property and for being drawn by a motor vehicle and so constructed that no part of its weight rests upon the towing vehicle.
VEHICLE: Every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks. (1965 Code)
The "Illinois vehicle code" 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1-100 and following, and any subsequent amendments thereto is hereby adopted by reference. (Ord. 2004-01, 1-27-2004)
The "motor vehicle theft reporting act" 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 10/1 and following, and any subsequent amendments thereto are hereby adopted by reference. (Ord. 2004-01, 1-27-2004)