Persons desiring to use stall space at the Sand and Spurs Stables shall be required to file an application with the city, for each and every stall, which shall provide for the approval by the City Manager and the Public Works Director or his designee, and for space assignment as approved by the Public Works Director or his designee. The application shall be accompanied by a statement to the effect that the applicant has reviewed both this chapter as it pertains to the Sand and Spurs Stables and has also received a copy of the rules and regulations governing the Sand and Spurs Stables. The applicant shall further acknowledge in the statement that the applicant agrees to be bound by the Codes of Ordinances as it currently exists or as may be amended from time to time as well as any additional rules and regulations governing Sand and Spurs Stables promulgated by the city. The applicant shall also agree to accept responsibility for payment of stall fees for the required time period, and shall sign a warning notice pursuant to F.S. § 773.04(1)(b). The application shall also have attached thereto proof of ownership of the equine. No waiver of any provision in the Sand and Spurs Stables Application shall be effective unless it is in writing, signed by the party against whom it is asserted, and any such written waiver or the city’s failure to enforce any obligation set forth in the application shall only be applicable to the specific instance to which it relates and shall not be deemed to be a continuing or future waiver.
   (A)   No assignment, sale, transfer or trading of stalls shall be permitted without prior written approval of the Public Works Department. No leasing or renting of stalls shall be permitted by Permit Holders without specific authorization from the Public Works Department. Permit Holder will still be responsible for all rent payments and both Permit Holder and any Lessee shall be subject to eviction for non-payment of any rents due. Lessee must comply with all regulations for use of the facilities in this chapter.
      (1)   Any prospective Permit Holder of a stall must first submit an application under this section and any other required information.
      (2)   No assignment or transfer of a stall will be approved unless all fees due have been paid in full by the current Permit Holder of the stall.
      (3)   No trade of stalls will be approved if Permit Holder is not current with all fees owed the city.
      (4)   No stall shall be loaned or otherwise provided for use to others by the designated Permit Holder without first obtaining permission from the Public Works Department.
   (B)   Upon the city approved assignment, transfer, or trade of a stall, a new deposit shall be required from the new incoming Permit Holder. The original deposits will be returned to the Permit Holders or utilized toward any outstanding balance.
(‘58Code, § 33.46) (Ord.76-51, passed 5-18-76; Am. Ord. 93-45, passed 5-11-93; Am. Ord. 93-65, passed 9-7-93; Am. Ord. 95-22, passed 11-22-94; Am. Ord. 2001-65, passed 6-12-01; Am. Ord. 2003-37, passed 3-25-03; Am. Ord. 2008-62, passed 9-23-08; Am. Ord. 2009-42, passed 7-14-09)