General Provisions
   152.001   Title
   152.002   Authority
   152.003   Jurisdiction
   152.004   Purpose
   152.005   Subdivision defined
   152.006   Compliance
   152.007   Subdivision Administrator
   152.008   Coordination of plans
   152.009   Administrative fee
   152.010   Definitions
Subdivision Review Procedure
   152.025   Approval levels
   152.026   Subdivision types
   152.027   Approval authority
   152.028   Plan and plat requirements
   152.029   Plan and plat submittal and review periods
   152.030   Appeals
   152.031   Effect of approvals; prerequisites
Design Standards
   152.045   Generally
   152.046   Incorporation of other town ordinances, policies and plans
   152.047   Appropriate to physical conditions
   152.048   Connectivity and appropriateness to adjoining property and land uses
   152.049   Reserve strips, half streets and private streets
   152.050   Intersections
   152.051   Restriction of access
   152.052   Storm drainage in streets
   152.053   Storm drainage not in streets
   152.054   Street names
   152.055   Utility easements
   152.056   Subdivision entrance markers and landscaped medians
   152.057   Construction in public right-of-way and easements
   152.058   Sidewalks
   152.059   Blocks
   152.060   Lots (building sites)
   152.061   Water and sewer
   152.062   Connection to state streets
Required Improvements
   152.075   Generally
   152.076   Street improvements
   152.077   Drinking water improvements
   152.078   Sanitary sewerage improvements
   152.079   Sidewalks/curb and gutter
   152.080   Street name signs
   152.081   Traffic control signs, signals and markings
   152.082   Street lights
   152.083   Storm drainage not in public streets
   152.084   Monuments and markers
   152.085   Fire hydrants
   152.086   Other utilities and services
   152.087   Warranty against defects
Legal Provisions
   152.100   Interpretation; purpose
   152.101   Repeal of ordinances in conflict
   152.102   Effect upon new territory added to jurisdiction
   152.103   Modifications
   152.104   Amendment
   152.105   Violations; remedies
   152.106   Validity
   152.999   Penalty
   Appendix A:  Mapping Standards
   Zoning Code, see Chapter 153