For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALLEY. Public ways, ordinarily of narrow width, which generally parallel streets and bisect subdivided blocks of building lots within the city.
OPERATOR. The individual operating a vehicle on a street or alley, whether as owner, or as agent, employee, or permittee of the owner thereof.
PERSON. An individual, corporation, association, partnership, and all other legal entities.
STREET. Public streets and ways in the city, whether designated as a street, avenue, boulevard, place, or road established for the use of vehicles, but does not include alleys.
VEHICLE. Any contrivance, machine, or other device designated for transportation of person or property upon a public way, propelled by motor, engine, person, or animal.
(1995 Code, § 72.01) (Ord. passed 2-18-1972)