Parking Generally
72.001 Definitions
72.002 Obstructional parking; double parking
72.003 Manner of parking
72.004 Limitations of stopping and parking
72.005 Restrictions and prohibitions on designated streets
72.006 Parking restricted to allow street cleaning
72.007 Parking in excess of certain number of hours prohibited; towing authorized
72.008 Parking on parade route
72.009 Parking on off-street facility
72.010 Owner responsibility
72.011 Parking in parks
72.012 Display of parked vehicle for sale
72.013 Parking with handicapped permits
72.014 Unloading zones
72.015 Taxi space on streets
72.016 Reserved spaces for use of county courthouse
72.017 Parking vehicle on off-street premises or parking areas; consent required by owner
72.018 Sundays and certain hours excluded
72.030 Impoundment of vehicles authorized; redemption
72.031 Reserved
72.032 Sale of vehicle
Snow Emergency
72.045 Announcement of snow emergency
72.046 Termination of emergency
72.047 Snow emergency routes
City Parking Lot
72.060 Establishment
72.061 Certain vehicles and trucks prohibited from parking on lot
Administration and Enforcement
72.075 Prima facie proof of ownership
72.076 Parking Board of Appeals; appeals from parking violation citations
72.999 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALLEY. Public ways, ordinarily of narrow width, which generally parallel streets and bisect subdivided blocks of building lots within the city.
OPERATOR. The individual operating a vehicle on a street or alley, whether as owner, or as agent, employee, or permittee of the owner thereof.
PERSON. An individual, corporation, association, partnership, and all other legal entities.
STREET. Public streets and ways in the city, whether designated as a street, avenue, boulevard, place, or road established for the use of vehicles, but does not include alleys.
VEHICLE. Any contrivance, machine, or other device designated for transportation of person or property upon a public way, propelled by motor, engine, person, or animal.
(1995 Code, § 72.01) (Ord. passed 2-18-1972)
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to leave any vehicle or any other thing that may be a nuisance, obstruction, or hindrance in or on any street, alley, or sidewalk within the city either during the day or night.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to stop or park any vehicle on the roadway side of any other vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street.
(1995 Code, § 72.02) Penalty, see § 72.999
(A) It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to stop or park the vehicle in a manner other than with its right-hand side toward and parallel with the curb, except that where parking is permitted on the left side of a one-way street, the left-hand side shall be so parked, and except for commercial loading and unloading on one-way streets.
(B) No vehicle shall be parked or left standing on any street unless its two right wheels are within six inches of and parallel with the curb, except that on one-way streets where parking is permitted on the left side the two left wheels are to be within six inches of and parallel with the curb.
(C) No vehicle shall be backed to the curb on any street, except that wagons and trucks may do so when loading and unloading provided that such loading and unloading and delivery of property and material shall not consume more than 30 minutes. Such backing of trucks or wagons is prohibited at all times and on all streets in the city where any truck or wagon so backed interferes with the use of the roadway of moving vehicles or occupies road space within ten feet of the centerline of the street.
(D) The city may establish diagonal parking at certain places, requiring the parking of vehicles at a certain angle to the curb and within a certain portion of the roadway adjacent thereto. However, diagonal parking shall not be established where the roadway space required therefor would be within ten feet of the centerline of any street. Such diagonal parking places shall be designated by suitable signs, and shall indicate by markings on the pavement the required angle and the width of the roadway space within which such vehicle shall park.
(E) It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to so park such vehicle that any part thereof shall extend beyond the lines marking the side or the rear of the space assigned for one vehicle.
(1995 Code, § 72.03) Penalty, see § 72.999