   (A)   The City Council may designate a space on a street where the owner of an automobile, duly licensed by the Commonwealth to operate same as a taxi for hire to transport person, may park same for the purpose of soliciting and receiving passengers for hire thereat.
   (B)   A licensed taxi operator may make application to the City Council for such taxi space, describing the vehicle and furnishing evidence that he or she is licensed by the Commonwealth to operate such taxi during the period for which such taxi space is sought. In the event such application is in proper order, same shall be approved by the City Council which shall designate a suitable space on a street for such taxi, bearing in mind the purpose of this title to provide for the orderly flow and movement of traffic upon city streets, but same shall not be located in front of a place of business without the written consent of the operator of such business establishment.
   (C)   Upon designation of such taxi space, the taxi operator shall pay to the Clerk-Treasurer a sum equal to $10 per month for each parking space so allotted to the taxi operator, and the Clerk-Treasurer shall thereupon issue to the operator a permit for such taxi space. However, no permit for a taxi space shall be issued for a period of less than six months.
   (D)   Upon issuance of such permit, the taxi space so designated by the City Council shall be marked and identified by lines painted with green paint on the surface of the street and on the curb of the sidewalk and/or otherwise identify it as a space exclusively for parking of the taxi for which the permit is issued.
   (E)   It shall be unlawful for any person, other than the operator of the taxi for which the taxi space is designated, to park a vehicle in such designated taxi space.
(1995 Code, § 72.15) (Ord. passed 2-18-1972) Penalty, see § 72.999