The city has established an off-street parking area, known as the city parking lot, for the parking of vehicles, same being located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Virginia Avenue and Walnut Street. The parking lot is divided into two halves, the front half abutting Virginia Avenue and the rear half abutting the alley.
(1995 Code, § 72.65) (Ord. passed 2-18-1972)
No motor bus, tractor-trailer, trailer, or truck having a capacity of more than three-fourths of a ton, shall be parked on the city parking lot.
(1995 Code, § 72.66) (Ord. passed 2-18-1972) Penalty, see § 72.999
There is hereby established a Parking Board of Appeals to consist of three persons residing in the city of the age of majority, same to be appointed for three-year terms by the Mayor. The said Board of Appeals is hereby vested with the authority to conduct a summary hearing at the request of any person aggrieved by the issuance of a citation under the terms of this chapter and shall, immediately following the close of such hearing, issue to any such aggrieved person its adjudication concerning such parking violation citation. Such adjudication by the Board of Appeals shall be either unanimous or by majority decision. All three members of the Board of Appeals shall be present during any such adjudication and shall hear any appeal upon 30 days’ advance notice or at their regularly scheduled meetings, in the event the Board of Appeals shall determine to conduct any such regularly scheduled meetings.
(1995 Code, § 72.81) (Ord. passed 8-8-1988)