(A) Upon proper application therefor by a person conducting a business whose business requires space on the street in front of or at such place of business for the purpose of loading into vehicles and unloading therefrom merchandise, goods, materials or other property, the City Council may set off a space consisting of not more than two parking spaces in the street to the front of or at such business establishment for such unloading purchases.
(B) Such loading-unloading space shall be designated by proper marking with paint of a green color painted on the sidewalk curb and surface of the street.
(C) Such loading-unloading space shall not be designated or established or marked until the applicant has paid to the Clerk-Treasurer a fee hereby fixed at the rate of $10 per month for each parking space within the loading-unloading space; and no loading- unloading zone shall be established for a period of less than six months and payment for same at said rate has been paid in advance.
(D) Neither the applicant, nor any person engaged in conducting such business or employed at such business establishment, nor any other person, shall park any vehicle in such loading-unloading space except for the sole purpose of loading and unloading materials required in the business of the applicant, and such loading or unloading shall be accomplished as expeditiously as reasonably possible and the vehicle shall be removed therefrom promptly upon completion thereof. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle in an establishment and designated loading- unloading space except as herein provided.
(E) It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle in any marked and designated loading- unloading space in violation of the provisions of division (D) above.
(1995 Code, § 72.14) (Ord. passed 2-18-1972) Penalty, see § 72.999
(A) The City Council may designate a space on a street where the owner of an automobile, duly licensed by the Commonwealth to operate same as a taxi for hire to transport person, may park same for the purpose of soliciting and receiving passengers for hire thereat.
(B) A licensed taxi operator may make application to the City Council for such taxi space, describing the vehicle and furnishing evidence that he or she is licensed by the Commonwealth to operate such taxi during the period for which such taxi space is sought. In the event such application is in proper order, same shall be approved by the City Council which shall designate a suitable space on a street for such taxi, bearing in mind the purpose of this title to provide for the orderly flow and movement of traffic upon city streets, but same shall not be located in front of a place of business without the written consent of the operator of such business establishment.
(C) Upon designation of such taxi space, the taxi operator shall pay to the Clerk-Treasurer a sum equal to $10 per month for each parking space so allotted to the taxi operator, and the Clerk-Treasurer shall thereupon issue to the operator a permit for such taxi space. However, no permit for a taxi space shall be issued for a period of less than six months.
(D) Upon issuance of such permit, the taxi space so designated by the City Council shall be marked and identified by lines painted with green paint on the surface of the street and on the curb of the sidewalk and/or otherwise identify it as a space exclusively for parking of the taxi for which the permit is issued.
(E) It shall be unlawful for any person, other than the operator of the taxi for which the taxi space is designated, to park a vehicle in such designated taxi space.
(1995 Code, § 72.15) (Ord. passed 2-18-1972) Penalty, see § 72.999
There shall be nine spaces established as being reserved for the elected officials in the county courthouse in the city. The spaces shall be along the courthouse side of Virginia Avenue starting with the space at Pine Street and running consecutively for the said nine spaces. Signs shall be erected by the city designating each space specifically for each such elected official and each elected official shall be entitled to himself or herself the use and occupancy of such space without charge. It shall be unlawful for any person other than such public official to occupy any such designated parking space.
(1995 Code, § 72.16) (Ord. passed 8-8-1988) Penalty, see § 72.999
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to park an automobile or other vehicle on the premises of any person without consent of the owner or occupant of such premises.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to park any automobile or other vehicle on the off-street parking lot or parking area provided by any person, firm, or corporation, for the use of employees, person doing or having business with the owner or occupant of said premises, and invitees at a place thereon, contrary to the rules and regulations of the owner or occupant of the premises as posted at and or marked on the pavement or surface of the parking lot or area and the marked spaces provided therefor.
(C) Any vehicle found parked on an off-street parking lot or area hereinabove mentioned in a manner obstructing access of a fire truck, loading and unloading vehicles, or ambulances to the owners building or establishment shall be summarily removed from said parking lot or area, and the owner or operator of such vehicle shall be required to pay the cost and expense of towing said vehicle therefrom and the storage bill until called for by the owner of operators, same to be in addition to any fine imposed under § 72.999.
(1995 Code, § 72.17) (Ord. passed 3-4-1974) Penalty, see § 72.999
(A) All police officers are empowered to authorize the impoundment of a vehicle violating vehicle-related ordinances after a citation has been issued.
(B) A vehicle slated for impoundment will be tagged and placed under control of the Police Department. Should a vehicle be moved without the consent and approval of the Police Department, a warrant shall be issued immediately for the violator’s arrest.
(C) All fines, fees, and charges must be paid in full before a release of impoundment can be issued for the vehicle’s release.
(1995 Code, § 72.30)