(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle in or on any of the following portions of the streets and public ways:
(1) On any public sidewalk;
(2) On U.S. Highway 25E within the city;
(3) On the west side of Pine Street between Kentucky Avenue and Virginia Avenue (next to courthouse square);
(4) In alleyways nor in other areas designated as no-parking areas by painting the curb in such areas yellow, or so designated by a “no parking” or other similar sign, device, or marking.
(5) On Oak Street between Park Avenue and Tennessee Avenue;
(6) On Tennessee Avenue from Oak Street to Laurel Street;
(7) Within ten feet of a fire hydrant;
(8) Within 15 feet of the corner of the building lot at the intersection of any street with another street or avenue;
(9) Within ten feet of the corner of the intersection of any street with an alley;
(10) On that part of a street at the entrance of a private driveway or driveway entrance leading into a gasoline service station, garage, or other business establishment, as would block or obstruct free passage to and from such private driveway;
(11) The east side of Holly Street adjacent to the Pineville High School premises between Virginia Avenue and alley;
(12) The west side of Laurel Street adjacent to the Pineville High School premises between Virginia Avenue and alley;
(13) Parking of motor vehicles is prohibited between midnight and 6:00 a.m. on the following portions of public streets:
(a) Cherry Street, between Virginia Avenue and U.S. Highway 25E;
(b) Pine Street, between the Cumberland River Bridge and U.S. Highway 25E;
(c) Walnut Street, between Virginia Avenue and U.S. Highway 25E;
(d) Oak Street, between Virginia Avenue and U.S. Highway 25E;
(e) Virginia Avenue, between Cherry Street and Oak Street;
(f) Kentucky Avenue, between Cherry Street and Oak Street; and
(g) Tennessee Avenue, between Cherry Street and Oak Street.
(14) No parking shall be permitted on the west side of Pine Street beside the Kentucky Utilities building from Kentucky Avenue to the alleyway pending the completion and opening of the new U.S. Route 25E.
(15) It shall be unlawful for any person to park any semi-tractor, semi-trailer, or coal truck on the streets of any R-1, R-2, R-3, B-1, and B-2 zones between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.; however, the same shall not be unlawful in any B-3, I-1, or I-2 zones at any time, with the permission of the property owner.
(B) The sidewalk curbs at the portions of the streets designated in division (A)(3), (A)(5), (A)(6), (A)(7), (A)(8), (A)(9), and (A)(10) of this section shall be painted with a yellow color and such streets’ portions may be otherwise marked or designated with markings of said color, such color to have the meaning and significance of “No Parking”.
(C) “No Parking” signs or notices shall be placed along those portions of streets and ways designated in division (A)(1), (A)(2), (A)(4), (A)(11), and (A)(12) of this section.
(1995 Code, § 72.04) (Ord. passed 2-18-1972; Ord. passed 5-1-1972; Ord. passed 6-4-1973; Ord. passed 8-8-1988; Ord. passed 1-31-1991) Penalty, see § 72.999
(A) The provisions of this section prohibiting the stopping and parking of a vehicle shall apply at all times or at those times herein specified or as indicated on official signs except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic-control devices.
(B) The provisions of this section imposing a time limit on parking shall not relieve any person from his or her duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions prohibiting or limiting the stopping or parking of vehicles in specific places or at specified times.
(C) When signs are erected in compliance with the provisions of division (F) below giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle at any time on any street so marked by official signs.
(D) When a curb has been painted in compliance with the provisions of division (F) below, no person shall park a vehicle at any time at or adjacent to any curb so marked.
(E) When signs are erected in compliance with the provisions of division (F) below, in each block giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle between the hours specified by official signs on any day except Sundays on any street so marked.
(F) (1) The city shall determine on what streets or portions thereof stopping or parking shall be restricted or prohibited. Whenever under authority of or by this traffic code or any other ordinance any parking limit is imposed or parking is prohibited on designated streets, or parking areas are restricted to handicapped parking, appropriate signs shall be erected giving notice thereof. However, in lieu of erecting such signs or in conjunction therewith, the face and top of a curb or curbs at or adjacent to which parking is prohibited at all times may be painted a solid yellow color.
(2) No such regulations or restrictions shall be effective unless the signs have been erected and are in place or the curbs are painted yellow at the time of any alleged offense, except in the case of those parking restrictions which by their very nature would not require such signs and markings.
(G) When signs are erected in compliance with division (F) above in each block giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle for a time longer than specified on official signs any day except Sunday and on any street so marked.
(1995 Code, § 72.05) Penalty, see § 72.999