General Provisions
73.01 Operation of bicycles
73.02 Operation of motorcycles and mopeds
73.03 Skating and coasting
73.04 Clinging to vehicles
Golf Carts
73.15 Definitions
73.16 Local government to regulate
73.17 Operation on a public roadway
73.18 Characteristics of roadways that can be used by golf carts
73.19 Insurance
73.20 Traffic rules
73.21 Exemption from motor vehicle regulations
73.22 Authority to regulate access to certain streets
73.23 General exception
All Terrain Vehicles
73.35 Vehicles regulated by state and local laws
73.36 City streets designated for ATV use
73.99 Penalty
Appendix A: Exhibit Map A
Required obedience to traffic directions, see § 70.02(C)
Traffic rules, see Ch. 71
Traffic schedules, see Ch. 74