A. Submittal.
1. Prior to the submittal of a landscape plan, the petitioner should consult with the department of planning and development services concerning specific submittal requirements.
2. Landscape plans for subdivision plats and development plans shall be submitted to the office of the subdivision coordinator for further processing. All other landscape plans shall be submitted to the planning division. A minimum of two copies are required.
3. Within thirty working days of plan submittal, the planning division shall notify the petitioner in writing as to any further requirements or amendments necessary for final approval.
4. The petitioner shall resubmit any revised plans for final compliance review.
5. Review fees shall be as determined by the Board of Supervisors.
B. Landscape Plan Review.
1. The planning division of the development services department shall review the landscape plan for compliance with all code and special requirements.
2. The petitioner shall resubmit any revised plans for final compliance review. A written decision will be provided the petitioner within thirty working days of resubmittal.
3. Any change to the underlying development plan or subdivision plat may require resubmittal of a new or revised landscape plan as determined by the planning director.
C. All landscaping shall be completed before the certificate of occupancy can be released, if the landscaping is required for a development plan, or before subdivision assurances can be released, if the landscaping is for a subdivision plat. If a project is developed in phases, landscaping and screening requirements shall be completed in sequence with phased development. The planning director may authorize or require the use of assurances in accordance with Section 18.69.070 for phased development, delayed construction projects or to accommodate petitioners requesting to postpone installation of bufferyards along property lines that abut vacant, undeveloped property.
D. Appeals. Appeals to the decisions or requirements of the planning division of the development services department may be directed, in writing by the petitioner or other affected individuals, to the design review committee. The appeal must be made within fifteen working days of the date of the departmental decision.
(Ord. 2006-97 § 1 (part), 2006; Ord. 1985-171 § 1 (part), 1985)