A. Scope. A development plan shall be submitted to the design review committee (refer to Section 18.99.030, Design Review Committee) for its review on each proposed village center.
B. Requirements. The plan shall consist of the requirements of Section 18.69.050A (Subdivision Standards) and also preliminary building site plans and elevations:
1. Site Plans.
a. Driveways showing access to and from and circulation within the proposed development and relation to planned geometric design of adjacent streets and thoroughfares;
b. Areas assigned for parking, off-street loading and unloading, curbs, islands, landscaping, pedestrian ways, malls, sidewalks, etc.;
c. Building floor plans and/or building sites, with sites numbered and described as to general purpose;
d. On-site improvements.
2. General Building and Site Plan Elevations. Typical building elevations keyed to the general grading and site plan.
C. Design Review.
1. Intent and Purpose. Each development, building, addition and alteration within this zone, with the exception of detached dwelling units, shall be subject to review with regard to the architectural design by the design review committee. The purpose of this review is to afford the applicant an opportunity to promote harmony with the scenic character of the area and among the buildings of the center.
2. Responsibilities of Committee. The commit-tee's report shall be submitted to the commission and the applicant at the commission's next regular meeting.
3. Review Considerations. The following shall be considered in review of plans:
a. Location on the lot;
b. Front and side elevation;
c. Location of mechanical equipment;
d. Signs;
e. Landscaping;
f. Conformity to overall design of the development to ensure that one architectural flavor is maintained for the entire center.
(Ord. 2003-118 § 2, 2003; Ord. 1986-40 § 1 (part), 1986)