The following provisions shall apply only to the installation of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment at a property in the City of Philadelphia with ten or more parking spaces that is built or has Significant Upgrades after the effective date of this ordinance:
(1) The Department of Licenses and Inspections is authorized to promulgate regulations governing the installation and maintenance of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, designed to ensure that all such Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment will be:
(a) structurally safe;
(b) consistent with public safety;
(c) in conformity with the general requirements of the Zoning Code, Housing Code, Building Code, Streets Department, Electrical Code and Fire Code; and
(d) properly installed and maintained and fully operational.
(2) Permits. No contractor may install any Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment within the City of Philadelphia unless that contractor obtains a permit from the Department of Licenses and Inspections for such a period of time as the Department may deem necessary and reasonable.
(3) Duties and Obligations.
(a) A permittee shall maintain and perform all necessary repairs to Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment to ensure its safe and continuous operation, ensuring that no component of the Electric Vehicle charger or Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment becomes non-operational.
(b) A permittee shall repair all damage resulting from the installation or following the installation of any Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, including damage to the base course and all other existing appurtenances.
(c) A permittee shall be responsible for mitigating all vandalism to Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment.
(d) All installation, maintenance, and upgrades to Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment requiring electrical work shall be conducted by an electrician possessing the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program certification or equivalent certification approved by the Department.
(4) Enforcement.
(a) If, upon inspection, the Department of Licenses and Inspections determines the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment is non-operational, it shall be punishable by a fine of three hundred dollars ($300).