§ 21-3403. Implementation and Reporting.
   (1)   The Managing Director shall take such steps as the Managing Director determines are appropriate to distribute the educational materials developed in subsection 21-3402(2) on at least an annual basis to all Covered Students, provided that the first set of educational materials shall be distributed no later than August 31, 2024.
   (2)   The representation and education as set forth in Section 21-3402 shall be phased in according to such timeline as the Managing Director may determine, with the support of such third-party entities as the Managing Director may identify, and shall be effective only at such time, and in such years, as the Finance Director certifies that the City is prepared to spend appropriations to fund such representation and education efforts. If projected need for representation to Covered Students exceeds the available funds, the provision of such representation may be prioritized by reasonable standards as provided by regulation.
   (3)   On August 31 of each year, the Managing Director shall submit a written report to the President and Chief Clerk of Council detailing the number of Covered Students served, the extent of representation performed, metrics evaluating outcomes, as well as a summary of the engagement and education of Covered Students regarding NIL Deals and the NLI Program. The Managing Director shall post this report online.