§ 9-2304. Enforcement. 1208.1
   (1)   Agency Enforcement.
      (a)   An employee or other person may file a complaint with the Agency for any violation of this Chapter. The Agency may also conduct an investigation on its own initiative.
      (b)   The Agency should maintain as confidential the identity of any complainant unless disclosure of such complainant’s identity is necessary for resolution of any investigation by the Agency, or otherwise required by law. The Agency should, to the extent practicable, notify such complainant that the Agency will be disclosing his or her identity prior to such disclosure.
      (c)   Upon receiving a complaint alleging a violation of this Chapter, or upon its own initiative, the Agency is authorized to investigate alleged violations of this Chapter. The Agency has the power to subpoena records and testimony from any party to a complaint. Such records shall be provided to the Agency within thirty (30) days after receipt of the subpoena.
      (d)   The Agency should keep complainants reasonably notified regarding the status of their complaint and any resulting investigation and to notify complainants of any final decision of the Agency, including any mediation result, with respect to the complaint.
      (e)   Whenever the Agency finds that a violation of this Chapter has occurred, it is authorized to issue to the offending employer a notice of violation and may seek to resolve violations by mediation.
      (f)   The Agency shall have the power to provide or obtain appropriate relief. Available remedies include instatement, reinstatement, restoration of hours, other injunctive relief, back pay and benefits, any other damages suffered as a result of the employer’s violation of this Chapter, and reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.
   (2)   Civil Enforcement.
      (a)   The Agency or an employee displaced or terminated or denied recall in violation of this Chapter may bring an action in a Court of competent jurisdiction against the covered employer, the terminated or ending contractor and/or the successor employer, jointly or severally, for violations of any obligations imposed under this Chapter and shall be awarded:
         (.1)   back pay, including the value of benefits, for each day during which the violation continues, which shall be calculated at a rate of compensation not less than the higher of:
            (.a)   the average regular rate of pay received by the employee, during the last year of the employee’s employment in the same job classification times average hours worked per work day over the past four months; or
            (.b)   the final regular rate of pay received by the employee at the time of termination times the average hours worked per work day over the past four months; and
         (.2)   instatement or reinstatement to the employee’s former position at no less than the last wage rate, with benefits and hours worked per work day, that the employee received.
      (b)   If the employee is the prevailing party in any such legal action, the Court shall award reasonable attorney's fees and costs to the employee as part of the costs recoverable.
   (3)   This Section shall not be construed to limit an employee’s right to bring common law cause of action for wrongful termination.
   (4)   Each day a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.
   (5)   Any covered employer or contractor or successor employer who knowingly violates this Chapter shall pay penalties per employee per day of violation of fifty dollars ($50) to one hundred dollars ($100).



   Renumbered and amended, Bill No. 240088 (approved May 1, 2024).
§ 9-2305. Regulations. 1208.2
   The Agency is authorized to coordinate the implementation, administration, and enforcement of this Chapter, and shall promulgate such regulations or guidelines as it may deem necessary for such purposes.



   Added, Bill No. 240088 (approved May 1, 2024). Enrolled bill numbered this as Section 9-2405; renumbered by Code editor.
§ 9-2306. Notice to Displaced Worker. 1209
   (1)   English Language Notice.
TO: (name of employee)
We have received information that you are employed by (name of terminated or ending contractor) and are currently performing work at (address of covered property). (Name of terminated or ending contractor) has lost its contract with the owners of (address of covered property) and will no longer be providing (security or janitorial or building maintenance or food and beverage or hotel or covered airport services or covered parking services or health care) services as of (last day of terminated or ending contract).
We are (name of successor employer) and have been hired by the owners of (address of covered property) to provide the same (security or janitorial or building maintenance or concierge services or door attendant services or food and beverage or hotel or covered airport services or covered parking services, or health care) service. We are offering you a job with us for a 90-day probationary period starting (first day of successorship contract) to perform the same type of work that you have already been doing for (name of terminated or ending contractor) under the following terms:
   Payrate (per hour): $ _____
   Hours per shift: _____
   Total Hours Per Week: _____
   Benefits: _____
You must respond to this offer within the next ten days. If you want to continue working at (address of covered property) you must let us know by (mm/dd/yyyy - no later than 5 days prior to the expiration of the terminated or ending contract or 10 days after the date of this letter if the predecessor contract has already expired). If we do not receive your response by the end of business that day, we will not hire you and you will lose your job. We can be reached at (successor contractor phone number).
The Protection of Displaced Contract Workers Ordinance, Chapter 9-2300 of The Philadelphia Code gives you the following rights:
1.   You have the right, with certain exceptions, to be hired by our company for the first 90 days that we begin to provide services at (address of worksite).
2.   During this 90 day period, you cannot be fired without just cause.
3.   If you believe that you have been fired or laid off in violation of this Ordinance, you have the right to sue us and be awarded back pay, attorneys fees and court costs.
FROM:   (Name of successor contractor)
      (Address of successor contractor)
      (Telephone # of successor contractor)
   (2)   Spanish Language Notice.
PARA: (nombre del trabajador)
Hemos recibido información que usted está empleado por (nombre del empleador anterior) y que actualmente está trabajando en (dirección del lugar de empleo). (Nombre del empleador anterior) ha terminado el termino de su contrato con los dueños de (dirección del lugar de empleo) y no proveerá más (servicios de seguridad o de limpieza o mantenimiento de edificio o servicios de conserjeria o servicios de portero o de comida y bebida o servicios de estacionamiento o de servicios de aeropuerto, servicios a hoteles o servicios de salud) servicios desde el (el último dia de contrato de la compañia anterior).
Somos (nombre del nuevo empleador) y hemos sido contratados por los dueños de (dirección del lugar de trabajo) para proveer el mismo (seguridad o de limpieza o mantenimiento de edificio o servicios de conserjeria o servicios de portero o de comida y bebida o servicios de estacionamiento o de servicios de aeropuerto, servicio de hoteles o servicios de salud) servicio. Le estamos ofreciendo un empleo con nosotros con 90 dias de periodo probatorio comenzando el (primer dia de contrato de la compañia nueva) desempeñando el mismo tipo de trabajo que ha estado haciendo para (nombre de la compañia anterior) bajo los siguiente tèrminos:
   Salario (por hora): $ _____
   Horas por dias: _____
   Total de horas por semana: _____
   Beneficios: _____
Usted deberá de contestar nuestra oferta entre los próximos diez dias. Si usted quiere continuar trabajando en (dirección del lugar de trabajo) deberá de dejárnoslo saber no más tardar del (mes/dia/año) - a no más tardar de 5 dias antes de la expiración del contrato de la compañia anterior o 10 dias después de haber recibido esta carta si el contrato de la compañia anterior ya está expirado). Si no recibimos su contestación ese dia al terminar el dia laboral no le contrataremos y usted perderá su empleo. Puede comunicarse con nosotros (numero telefónico de la compañia nueva).
La Ordenanza de Protección para Trabajadores Desempleados bajo Contrato, Capitulo 9-2300 del Código de Filadelfia le da los siguientes derechos:
1.   Usted tiene el derecho, con ciertas excepciones, de ser contratado por nuestra compañia por los primeros 90 dias en que comencemos a dar servicios en (dirección del lugar de empleo).
2.   Durante este periodo de 90 dias usted no puede ser despedido sin causa.
3.   Si usted cree que ha sido despedido o le han dado de baja en violación a esta Ordenanza usted tiene el derecho de demandarnos y recibir su salario, honorarios de abogado y costo de corte.
DE:   (Nombre de la Compañia nueva bajo contrato)
(Dirección de la Compañia nueva bajo contrato)
(Teléfono # de la Compañia nueva bajo contrato)



   Amended, Bill No. 220526 (approved September 13, 2022); renumbered and amended, Bill No. 240088 (approved May 1, 2024).