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P-504.6 Requirements for discharge piping. The discharge piping serving a pressure relief valve, temperature relief valve or combination thereof shall:
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5.   Discharge to the floor, to the pan serving the water heater or storage tank, to a waste receptor or to the outdoors.  359
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P-504.7 Required pan. Where a storage tank-type water heater or a hot water storage tank is installed in a location where water leakage from the tank will cause damage, the tank shall be installed in a pan constructed of one of the following:
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P-504.7.2 Pan drain termination. The pan drain shall extend full size and terminate over a suitably located indirect waste receptor or floor drain or extend to the exterior of the building and terminate not less than 6 inches (152 mm) and not more than 24 inches (610 mm) above the adjacent ground surface. Where a pan drain was not previously installed, a pan drain shall not be required for a replacement water heater installation. The pan drain shall be permitted to discharge into a clothes washer box with dual drainage outlets with one outlet dedicated to the clothes washer discharge and one outlet dedicated to the pan drain. The pan drain shall also be permitted to drain into a clothes washer box with a single drainage outlet where the inlet of the clothes washer box outlet is sized to accommodate both the clothes washer discharge and the pan drain discharge.  360
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   Amended, Bill No. 230653 (approved December 20, 2023), effective April 1, 2024.
   Amended, Bill No. 230653 (approved December 20, 2023), effective April 1, 2024.