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P-901.2 Trap seal protection.
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P-901.2.2 Relief Vent. A relief vent pipe shall be installed on the building (house) drain before the main building (house) trap inside the building and be connected to the nearest vent line for any building 75 feet or higher. On building (house) drains of 8 inches or less, the vent shall be a minimum of 4 inches. On building (house) drains 10 inches and over, the relief vent shall be a minimum of 5 inches.
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P-901.3 Chemical waste vent systems. The vent system for a chemical waste system shall be independent of the sanitary vent system and shall terminate separately through the roof to the outdoors. or to an air admittance valve that complies with ASSE 1049. Air admittance valves for chemical waste systems shall be constructed of materials approved in accordance with Section 702.5 and shall be tested for chemical resistance in accordance with ASTM F1412.
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