§ 18-602. Workforce Development Activity Requirements.
   (1)   The Division shall be led by member(s) of Department of Commerce leadership. The Division shall promote workforce development in the City for the purpose of connecting Philadelphians with jobs and training opportunities and for the purpose of connecting employers to Philadelphia's workforce.
   (2)   The Division shall serve as a point of contact for employers, including private, public and quasi-public employers, interested in hiring Philadelphians.
   (3)   The Division shall collect data and supporting documentation, as is meaningful and available, to comply with the Workforce Development Reporting Requirements as set forth in § 18-603.
   (4)   The Division shall work in collaboration with Philadelphia Works, the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation and other entities outside of municipal government concerned with workforce development.
   (5)   The Division shall coordinate with the Workforce Professional Alliance and with other institutional partners concerned with workforce development.