§ 7-205. Records of Affordable Housing Properties. 12
   (1)   The Department is authorized and directed to establish and quarterly update a directory of affordable housing properties as defined in subsection 7-202(1) organized by property name, address, year placed in service, funding stream, ownership, ownership structure, ownership contact information, unit count by number of bedrooms, bedroom count, target population, average rent at the property, average rent in surrounding area, earliest subsidy end date, and date of notice of intent to take a protected action under Section 7-203, pursuant to the availability of these items.
   (2)   The Department may also publish any analysis or early warning assessment developed to estimate which Affordable Housing Properties are at greatest risk of expiration or nonrenewal based on factors such as market rents, Market Value Analysis, or Displacement Risk Ratio in the same Census tract as each Affordable Housing Property.
   (3)   The Department may provide public access to the directory and quarterly update established pursuant to subsection (1) to support local affordable housing preservation efforts. Data may be posted on the Department's website, or the City's official online data repository, and provided in a variety of formats, including but not limited to tabular spreadsheets, geospatial data, and public-facing visualization. The Division of Housing and Community Development shall include the directory established pursuant to subsection (1) and the analysis set forth in subsection (2) in the annual Consolidated Plan set forth in Section 21-1102. The Housing Advisory Board may review such directory and analysis and provide advice and recommendations on affordable housing availability to the Division of Housing and Community Development consistent with the powers and duties outlined in Section 4-608 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter.
   (4)   The Department is authorized and directed to keep records according to its established retention schedule of any notice of intent to take a protected action provided by the owner of an affordable housing property as provided in Section 7-203. The Department may consider such notices when making decisions regarding funding allocations for affordable housing production and preservation.



   Added, Bill No. 221018 (approved May 24, 2023).