§ 4-2800. Functions.
   The Chief Public Safety Director shall have the power and their duty shall be to perform the following functions:
   (a)   Ensure public safety by coordinating the deployment of resources (personnel and employment; property; plant and equipment) within the departments of Police, Fire, Prisons, Parks and Recreation, Emergency Management, and all other relevant departments and agencies.
   (b)   Operational Guidance. With consistency, the Director shall provide relevant City agency leaders with guidance and initial approvals of operational policies, work programs, violence-prevention programs and budgetary policies. The Director shall provide consultation on the budgets of safety-related departments and agencies.
   (c)   Evaluations. The Director shall prepare reports regarding public safety measures as directed by the Mayor. When necessary, they shall undertake studies related to public safety functions, evaluating the effectiveness of work programs and procedures of safety-related City departments and agencies.
   (d)   City Facility Security. The planning and implementation of security in all City-owned facilities (i.e., all municipal offices and facilities, including recreation spaces) shall be coordinated by the Director. Additionally, all City contracts for security services and equipment are to be developed and overseen by the Director.
   (e)   Relationship Maintenance. The Director shall establish and maintain cooperative relations with civic and business organizations, violence-prevention agencies, schools, court offices, emergency services in other jurisdictions, and others interested in the maintenance of public safety.
   (f)   Any other powers, duties, and responsibilities as established by ordinance.