§ 7-400. Preparation and Adoption.
   The civil service regulations shall be prepared by the Personnel Director. Regulations pertaining to the position classification plan, pay plan, hours of work, holidays and annual vacation and sick leave shall be submitted by the Personnel Director for approval to the Civil Service Commission and Administrative Board. All other civil service regulations shall be submitted by the Personnel Director for approval to the Civil Service Commission only. After the requisite approvals shall have been obtained, the regulations shall be filed by the Personnel Director with the Department of Records, where they shall be available for public inspection for thirty days, and public notice of such filing shall be given as in the case of other regulations.
   If any person affected by the proposed regulations or any citizen shall present to the Department of Records a written request therefore, the person shall be afforded a public hearing before the Commission. The Commission may after a hearing re-affirm its approval or direct that the regulations be changed but any modification of a regulation which required initially the approval of the Administrative Board shall be submitted to it for approval. The subsequent procedure shall be the same as in the case of other regulations. 250
   Sources:   A Model State Civil Service Law, Section 8.
   Purposes:   1.   See Annotation to Sections 7-100 and 7-200.
      2.   The approval of the Administrative Board is required of civil service regulations pertaining to the position classification plan, pay plan, hours of work, holidays, and annual vacation and sick leave because these regulations will affect the operating budget, the expenditure of City moneys, and the availability of personnel. They should therefore be subject to the approval of the Mayor, the Director of Finance, and the Managing Director who are primarily concerned with these important phases of municipal administration.
      3.   The position classification plan and pay plan will determine the compensation to be received by civil service employees. The Charter makes these matters of administrative rather than legislative decision. Council will decide subject to certain exceptions [subsection 2-300(4)], how much money is to be appropriated for personnel services. See Section 2-300. But the administrative branch will determine how many employees shall be paid out of such lump sum appropriations and what salaries they shall receive. See Article 3, Chapter 7.
      4.   Employees and citizens have a vital and direct concern in civil service regulations being fair and effectuating civil service objectives. They are therefore afforded notice of proposed civil service regulations and an opportunity to be heard publicly thereon before the Commission.



   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on May 17, 2022, and certified on June 6, 2022. See Bill No. 220001 (approved February 25, 2022); Resolution No. 220009 (adopted February 24, 2022).