§ 3-600. The Mayor and Other Officers.  89
   Until the Council shall otherwise ordain, annual salaries shall be payable in equal semi-monthly installments as follows:
      Mayor, $25,000;
      Managing Director, $20,000;
      Director of Finance, $15,000;
      City Representative, $12,000;
      City Controller, $15,000;
      City Treasurer, $12,000;
      City Solicitor, $15,000;
      Personnel Director, $12,000;
      Police Commissioner, $13,000;
      Health Commissioner, $12,000;
      Fire Commissioner, $12,000;
      Street Commissioner, $12,000;
      Recreation Commissioner, $12,000;
      Welfare Commissioner, $12,000;
      Water Commissioner, $15,000;
      Commissioner of Public Property, $12,000;
      Commissioner of Licenses and Inspections, $12,000;
      Commissioner of Records, $12,000;
      Revenue Commissioner, $12,000;
      Procurement Commissioner, $12,000;
      Insurance Public Advocate, $100,000;  90
      Public School Family and Child Advocate, $100,000;  91
      Director of Commerce, $150,000;  92
      Prisons Commissioner, $150,000;  93
      Director of Planning and Development, $150,000; 94
      Director of Labor, such amount as is payable to the Director of Commerce; 95
      Commissioner of Fleet Services, $135,000; 96
      Director of Aviation, $265,000; 97
      Chief Public Safety Director, $265,000. 98
   The compensation fixed by this charter for any officer shall be reduced by an amount equal to any compensation which the officer receives in addition thereto for any services, rendered by virtue of the office, to the City or to any other governmental agency.  99
   Sources:   See the Administrative Code of 1929, Act of April 9, 1929, P.L. 177, Section 209, as amended.
   Purposes:   1.   It was necessary to fix initially in the Charter the salaries of the principal officers of the City government so that the budget adopted prior to the effective date of the Charter could make provision for the compensation of officers who would have to begin service before the Council under the new Charter had had an opportunity to fix salaries and to make appropriations. It should be noted that the new Council is empowered to vary the salaries fixed and the payroll periods, should it deem a change desirable.
      2.   Since some City officers, notably the City Controller and the City Treasurer, receive compensation for their services, by virtue of their offices, from other agencies, and since the Charter salary scale increases, such additional compensation is credited against salaries received from the City.



   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on November 6, 2007, and certified on November 26, 2007. See Bill No. 070395 (approved September 20, 2007); Resolution No. 070411 (adopted June 14, 2007). Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on November 7, 2023, and certified on November 30, 2023. See Bill No. 230411 (approved July 12, 2023); Resolution No. 230430 (adopted June 22, 2023). See Charter subsection A-200(26) for effective date.
   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on November 4, 2003 and certified on December 1, 2003. See Bill No. 030220 (approved May 15, 2003); Resolution No. 030231 (adopted May 1, 2003).
   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on November 6, 2007, and certified on November 26, 2007. See Bill No. 070340 (approved September 20, 2007); Resolution No. 070360 (adopted June 14, 2007).
   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on April 22, 2008, and certified on May 19, 2008. See Bill No. 080006 (approved March 6, 2008); Resolution No. 080041 (adopted March 6, 2008).
   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on November 4, 2014, and certified on November 24, 2014. See Bill No. 140015 (approved May 19, 2014); Resolution No. 140035 (adopted May 8, 2014).
   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on November 3, 2015, and certified on November 23, 2015. See Bill No. 140721 (approved June 16, 2015); Resolution No. 140732-A (adopted June 11, 2015). See Charter subsection A-200(14) for effective date.
   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on June 2, 2020, and certified on June 22, 2020. See Bill No. 200008 (approved February 26, 2020); Resolution No. 200042-A (adopted February 13, 2020). See Charter subsection A-200(18) for effective date.
   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on November 2, 2021, and certified on November 22, 2021. See Bill No. 200075 (approved July 15, 2021); Resolution No. 200079 (adopted June 17, 2021). See Charter subsection A-200(19) for effective date.
   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on November 8, 2022, and certified on December 4, 2022. See Bill No. 220187 (approved July 6, 2022); Resolution No. 220197-A (adopted June 23, 2022). See Charter subsection A-200(24) for effective date.
   Added by approval of the voters at the election held on May 16, 2023, and certified on June 5, 2023. See Bill No. 230106 (became law March 23, 2023); Resolution No. 230115-A (adopted March 9, 2023).
   Amended by approval of the voters at the election held on May 17, 2022, and certified on June 6, 2022. See Bill No. 220001 (approved February 25, 2022); Resolution No. 220009 (adopted February 24, 2022).