§ 22-308. Suspension of Retirement Benefits.
   (1)   Retired member's return to service in Plan A, Plan B, Plan L, Plan Y, Plan '10, or Plan 16. If any retired member receiving retirement benefits under the provisions of Plan A, Plan B, Plan L, Plan Y, Plan '10, or Plan 16 returns to the service of the City, either by appointment or election to any position for which the retired member shall thereby become entitled to wages, salary, fees, or other compensation, the member's retirement benefits shall be suspended during the period of such service. 95
   (2)   Retired member's return to service in Plan D, Plan J or Plan X. If any retired member receiving retirement benefits under the provisions of Plan D, Plan J or Plan X returns to the service of the City or any quasi-public agency with which the Pension Board has an agreement to administer the pension benefits of the employees thereof, pursuant to the Ordinance of March 1, 1963 (1963 Ordinances, p. 148), as amended, either by appointment or election to any position for which he shall thereby become entitled to wages, salary, fees, or other compensation from which deductions will be made for contributions into the Retirement System, the member's retirement benefits shall be suspended during the period of such service.
   (3)   Such suspensions of retirement benefits shall not apply to:
      (a)   service as an election officer, a registrar of voters or as a juror;
      (b)   any beneficiary or survivor other than a member; or
      (c)   non-participating members of boards and commissions as provided for in Section 22-201 (Membership upon Employment) of this Title.



   Amended, Bill No. 100286 (approved June 23, 2010). See note 4 for effective date provisions. Amended, Bill No. 161013 (approved December 9, 2016).