§ 22-302. Separation Retirement Benefits.
   (1)   Separation prior to minimum retirement age. Any member who separates from service after ten (10) or more years of credited service, or such lesser vesting period as is authorized by subsection 22-301(1)(c) or (d), but before attaining minimum retirement age, is a vested member of the Retirement System and is entitled to separation retirement benefits, provided that such member has not withdrawn contributions made to the Retirement System.
   (2)   Effective date. Separation retirement benefits begin when the separated member reaches the minimum retirement age specified in the plan applicable to such member. A separated member may apply for optional early retirement benefits according to the provisions of Section 22-303 (Optional Early Retirement Benefits).
   (3)   Calculation of benefits. Separation retirement benefits are calculated in the same manner as service retirement benefits are calculated. For calculations, see Section 22-301 (Service Retirement Benefits).
   (4)   Withdrawal of contributions. Any member who separates from service may withdraw such member's contributions made to the Retirement System, without interest, any time before becoming eligible for retirement benefits. When a member withdraws such contributions, membership in the Retirement System terminates. Upon withdrawal, the former member and his or her beneficiaries and survivors are entitled to no rights or benefits under the Retirement System, except as otherwise provided in this Title and the Regulations of the Board.