§ 21-3002. Environmental Justice Advisory Commission. 83
   (1)   Council hereby calls upon the Mayor, with the cooperation of the Office of Sustainability and all relevant city agencies and departments as requested by the Mayor, to establish an Environmental Justice Advisory Commission, for the purpose of providing recommendations to the Mayor and the Office of Sustainability regarding the establishment of standards for studying and reporting regarding environmental justice. The Mayor shall provide an update to Council on the status of forming a commission no later than December 31, 2019.
   (2)   The Commission should be charged with the duty to prepare and submit a report to the Mayor and the President of City Council, by no later than December 31, 2020, including recommendations regarding:
      (a)   Criteria for identifying locations within the City that experience disproportionate environmental effects;
      (b)   Methods of collecting data and conducting analysis in identified locations related to environmental factors that reflect environmental justice concerns;
      (c)   Existing City programs, policies, activities and processes that may implicate environmental justice concerns;
      (d)   Identification and removal of barriers to meaningful decision-making affecting residents of environmental justice areas.
   (3)   The Advisory Commission shall be composed of such members as the Mayor may appoint, in consultation with the Council President, and shall meet at such times and in such manner as it deems appropriate to perform a full and comprehensive review of the issues to be covered in its report and recommendations. Members should reflect the racial, ethnic, geographic and socioeconomic diversity of the city.



   Amended, Bill No. 190703 (approved October 23, 2019).