(1) Affordable housing means housing, either sales or rental, for which the household spends no more than thirty percent (30%) of its gross income on housing related expenses, provided, however, that any housing program or project that receives federal or state funds and complies with regulations applicable to such funding source regarding the percentage of household income to be spent on housing shall be considered affordable for purposes of this definition.
(2) Visitable means the following amenities in a dwelling unit:
(a) One zero step entrance to the dwelling unit that will permit a visitor using a wheelchair to enter the main level floor of the dwelling through a doorway entrance that has a minimum 32 inch opening;
(b) A usable path of travel throughout the interior main level floor that is no narrower than 36 inches at any point except for interior doorway openings with a minimum 32 inch opening; and
(c) A powder room in the main level floor that has a doorway entrance with a minimum 32 inch doorway opening providing sufficient space to close the door while inside the powder room, a minimum 30 inch by 48 inch floor space clearance, and reinforced walls that permit installation of grab bars to provide access to the toilet if necessary.