§ 21-1210. Audits and Policy Recommendations.
   (1)   The Commission is authorized to carry out investigations into the general policies and practices of the Department reasonably related to the mission of the Commission. Such investigations may include, but are not limited to, auditing and monitoring cases, active or completed, that have been investigated by the Internal Affairs Unit, for the purpose of providing recommendations as to the quality of, and best practices pertaining to, investigations.
   (2)   The Commission may make recommendations to the Department concerning policy, practice, procedure and training matters reasonably related to the mission of the Commission at any time. The Commission shall publish formal recommendations on its website within five (5) days of submission to the Department, as well as provide a written copy to the Mayor and City Council.
   (3)   The Police Commissioner shall provide a written response to each of the Commission's recommendations within thirty (30) days of receipt, stating whether the Department will accept the recommendations, a description of the action the Department has already taken or is planning to take, and a timeline for implementation. If the Department declines to accept one or more recommendations, a written explanation must be provided. The Department may, in writing, request an additional fifteen (15) days to submit a response to the Commission.
   (4)   The Chair of the City Council Committee on Public Safety may require the Commission and Police Commissioner to appear at a public hearing to explain and respond to questions concerning any policy, practice, procedure or training recommendations and responses.
   (5)   The Commission shall conduct an annual performance review of the Executive Director and an annual review of the performance of the Police Commissioner with respect to the manner in which the Commissioner publicly addresses matters related to the mission of the Commission. The Commission shall determine the criteria for evaluating the Executive Director's and the Police Commissioner's job performance and communicate those performance criteria, in addition to any other job performance expectations, to the Executive Director and the Police Commissioner. Such review may include solicitation of voluntary input from individuals and officials who are familiar with the Executive Director's or the Police Commissioner's job performance. The written annual performance review of the Police Commissioner will be posted publicly by the Commission annually on its website.
   (6)   The Commission shall annually review the Mayor's proposed budget to determine whether budgetary allocations for the Department are aligned with the Department's policies, procedures, practices, and priorities concerning matters within the mission of the Commission.



Section 21-1210 - Recent Amendment
This section has been amended by Bill No. 240330 (approved June 14, 2024).