§ 20-1701. Duties of the Managing Director. 115
   (1)   The Managing Director shall coordinate the implementation of the Philadelphia Re-Entry Employment Program set forth in this Chapter.
   (2)   By July 1 of each year, the Managing Director shall submit a written annual report to the Mayor, with a copy to the President and Chief Clerk of Council, which shall include the following information for the prior calendar year:
      (a)   A summary and evaluation of the efforts of City agencies in carrying out the Philadelphia Re-Entry Employment Program, including a summary and evaluation of how the duties specified in this Chapter were performed.
      (b)   A summary and evaluation of the efforts of City contractors and recipients of financial assistance to cooperate with the City in providing employment opportunities for Returning Citizens, as that term is defined in subsection 19-2604(9), as required by Chapter 17-1800. 116
      (c)   The number of Qualifying Employees under subsection 19-2604(9)(a)(.2) certified during the year, the number of Qualifying Employees whose certification expired during the year, and a summary of the reasons for such expiration, all as prepared by the Revenue Department.
      (d)   A list, as prepared by the Department of Revenue, of all businesses that participated in, and the tax expenditure associated with, the PREP tax credit program under subsection 19-2604(9).
      (e)   Recommendations for improvement of the Philadelphia Re-Entry Employment Program.



   Amended, Bill No. 100369 (approved June 30, 2010).
   Amended, Bill No. 130769 (approved December 4, 2013).