§ 20-308. Cost of Living Adjustments. 29
   (1)   Definitions.
      (a)   Date of Adjustment. June 30 of each year.
      (b)   Base Fiscal Year. The fiscal year ending two years prior to the Date of Adjustment.
      (c)   Prior Fiscal Year. The fiscal year ending one year prior to the Date of Adjustment.
      (d)   Tax Revenues. In schedule I-A-5 of the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, entitled "Combined Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, Encumbrances and Changes in Fund Balances – General and Special Revenues Funds and Capital Improvement Funds – Budget (Legal Basis) and Actual", the amount set forth in the line labelled "Tax Revenues" under the column entitled "General Fund – Actual", or, should such Schedule or line no longer be included in the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, then the equivalent amount as it may appear in some other Schedule or line of the City's Comprehensive Financial Report.
      (e)   Tax Revenue Multiplier. The ratio of Tax Revenues for the Prior Fiscal Year to Tax Revenues for the Base Fiscal Year.
      (f)   CPI. The Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers (CPI-U) All Items Index, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as measured by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
      (g)   CPI Multiplier. The ratio of the CPI on the last day of the Prior Fiscal Year to the CPI on the first day of the Prior Fiscal Year.
   (2)   If provided in the Compensation Plan or otherwise directed by the Mayor, the minimum and maximum salaries set forth in Section 20-303 shall be adjusted on the Date of Adjustment by multiplying each then existing minimum and maximum salary (as those minimums and maximums may have been adjusted pursuant to this Section from time to time) by the lesser of the Tax Revenue Multiplier and the CPI Multiplier. 30
   (3)   The salaries of the elected officials whose salary is set forth in Section 20-305 (except for the salary of the District Attorney) shall be adjusted on the Date of Adjustment by multiplying the then existing salary (as it may have been adjusted pursuant to this Section from time to time) by the CPI Multiplier, unless the CPI Multiplier is less than one, in which case no change to such salaries shall be made on the Date of Adjustment. 31



   Added, Bill No. 1268 (approved December 28, 1995), 1995 Ordinances, p. 1514. See Section 2 of Bill No. 1268 as to effective dates and alternative cost of living provisions.
   Amended, Bill No. 200253-A (approved November 13, 2023). See note 13 for applicability and sunset provisions.
   Amended, Bill No. 030641 (became law October 30, 2003). See Section 2 of Bill No. 030641 as to effective dates and alternative cost of living provisions.