§ 19-3503. Cessation of Assessment.
   (1)   Each Assessment shall not be imposed or effective to the extent the Secretary certifies to the Director of Finance that (a) revenues generated by the Assessment will not qualify as the Commonwealth share of program expenditures eligible for Federal financial participation, or (b) the Assessment proceeds will exceed the maximum aggregate amount that may be assessed under 42 C.F.R. § 433.68(f)(3)(i) or any other maximum established under Federal law.
   (2)   The assessments imposed by this Chapter shall cease on June 30, 2024, or on such later date as may be permitted by the General Assembly. 696



Section 19-3503 - Conditional Amendment
This section has been amended by Bill No. 240467 (approved June 26, 2024). Secton 4 of Bill No. 240467 provides: "Sections 1 and 2 of this Ordinance shall be effective upon certification by the City Solicitor to the Chief Clerk of Council that the necessary authorizing legislation has been enacted by the General Assembly and that the Revenue Commissioner and the Commonwealth Secretary of Human Services have entered into an agreement regarding authorized retention of funds by the City; provided that Sections 1 and 2 shall have no applicability to any assessments for periods prior to July 1, 2024. Sections 1 and 2 of this Ordinance and the assessments imposed thereunder are subject to all of the conditions and requirements specified under the aforementioned State authorizing legislation. To the extent any quarterly due date authorized by Sections 1 and 2 occurred prior to the Effective Date of Sections 1 and 2, the payments that would have been due on such dates shall become due, in one lump sum, at the next due date following such Effective Date."
   Added, Bill No. 160872 (approved December 20, 2016); amended, Bill No. 190440 (approved June 26, 2019). See note 684 for effective date provisions.