§ 17-1904. Waivers.
   The City may waive the requirements of this Chapter in any of the following circumstances:
   (1)   Where application of the provisions of this Chapter would result in the loss of federal, state or similar funds or grants, or is otherwise prohibited by federal or state law.
   (2)   Where the contractor certifies, and the City finds, that compliance with the provisions of this Chapter would interfere with a collective bargaining agreement between the contractor and any of its employees.
   (3)   Where the contractor certifies, and the City finds, that (a) the contractor is operated, supervised, or controlled by a bona fide religious institution or organization for charitable purposes, and (b) compliance with the provisions of this Chapter would conflict with the beliefs of the religion with which the contracting organization is identified.
   (4)   Where waiving the provisions of this Chapter would be in the best interests of the City.