§ 17-1608. Annual Disparity Assessment of Workforce Diversity. 242
   (1)   For purposes of this Section, workforce diversity means a workforce that includes Philadelphia residents, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, women and disabled persons ("Diverse Workforce"). 243
   (2)   Beginning June 30, 2016, and at least thirty (30) days before the start of each fiscal year, the Finance Director shall file with the Mayor, a written report that includes:
      (a)   An up-to-date analysis of workforce diversity in Covered Projects and Contracts ("Annual Disparity Assessment of Workforce Diversity"). The Annual Disparity Assessment of Workforce Diversity shall be performed by the Office of the Director of Finance itself, or by contract.
      (b)   Workforce diversity goals for the upcoming fiscal year. In devising such goals, the Finance Director shall consider:
         (.1)   the present availability of a Diverse Workforce;
         (.2)   the participation of a Diverse Workforce on past Covered Projects and Contracts;
         (.3)   a forecast of Covered Projects and Contracts for the next fiscal year; and
         (.4)   the latest Annual Disparity Assessment of Workforce Diversity.
   (3)   In conducting the Assessment, the Finance Director shall separately consider the number of hours worked on Covered Projects and Contracts by workers from each group included in the Diverse Workforce.
   (4)   In calculating workforce diversity, the Finance Director shall incorporate the following formula in the analysis: the total number of hours worked by the Diverse Workforce on all Covered Projects and Contracts (the numerator) divided by the total number of hours worked on all Covered Projects and Contracts (the denominator).
   (5)   Nothing in this Section shall preclude the Finance Director from including in the Annual Disparity Assessment of Workforce Diversity additional calculations or measures intended to provide further guidance concerning actual rates of workforce diversity, disparity ratios, diversity goals, or related measures.
   (6)   At the same time that the report is filed with the Mayor, the Finance Director shall file a copy with the Department of Records and with the President and Chief Clerk of Council, and shall arrange for publication of the report on the City's official website.
   (7)   The Office of Economic Opportunity, or any successor agency, shall modify workforce diversity goals in accordance with the goals set forth in the Annual Disparity Assessment of Workforce Diversity, and shall revise the Economic Opportunity Plan prototype accordingly.



   Added, Bill No. 150614 (approved October 20, 2015).
   Amended, Bill No. 160129 (approved September 6, 2016).