§ 17-1403. Public Information; Reporting. 168
   (1)   After a Non-Competitively Bid Contract has been executed, all applications for such contract shall become public information, except that the City Agency awarding such contract may redact proprietary information or other information protected by law prior to making such applications available for public inspection, provided that the information required to be disclosed by subsection 17-1402(1)(b) shall never be redacted.
   (2)   At least thirty (30) days before the start of each fiscal year, a written report, signed by the Mayor, shall be filed by the Mayor with the President and Chief Clerk of Council, with copies sent to the Procurement Commissioner, the Finance Director, the Commerce Director, and the Department of Records and published on the City's official website, listing for each City Agency (other than Council) the number of Non-Competitively Bid Contracts the City Agency anticipates awarding in the upcoming fiscal year (to the extent known at the time the report is filed) and for each such contract:
      (a)   The subject matter of the contract;
      (b)   The term of the contract; and
      (c)   The total dollar amount of the contract.
The report shall also include, for each City Agency (other than Council) the dollar amount of each type of Financial Assistance the City Agency anticipates awarding in the upcoming fiscal year (to the extent known at the time the report is filed). The Procurement Commissioner, Finance Director and Commerce Director shall each make a copy of the report available for public inspection during regular business hours at the same place the registry of notices required by subsection 17-1402(1)(a) is kept.
   (3)   On January 31, April 30, July 31 and October 31 of each year, a written report, signed by the Mayor, shall be filed by the Mayor with the President and Chief Clerk of Council, with a copy to the Department of Records and a copy published on the City's official website, setting forth for each Non-Competitively Bid Contract (except for contracts awarded by Council) under which goods were provided or services were rendered to the City during the three month period ending one month prior to the date the report must be filed, and for each contract for which reporting is required by subsection 17-1406(1)(d):
      (a)   The parties to the contract and the subject matter of the contract;
      (b)   The term of the contract and the length of the term remaining;
      (c)   The total dollar amount of the contract and the total of all payments that have been made under such contract to date; and
      (d)   A copy of any disclosure forms filed in compliance with the requirement of subsection 17-1402(1)(e) since the date of the last report.
The report shall also detail each provision of Financial Assistance made during the reporting period, and for each provision of Financial Assistance: (i) the City Agency providing such assistance; (ii) the type of Financial Assistance awarded; (iii) the recipient of such assistance; and (iv) the dollar amount of such assistance.
   (4)   By September 30 of each year, the Mayor shall file an annual report with the President and Chief Clerk of Council, and the Department of Records (with a copy also published on the City's official website) summarizing the award of Non-Competitively Bid Contracts (other than contracts awarded by Council) during the prior fiscal year. Such report shall be signed by the Mayor, and shall list for each City Agency (other than Council) the number of contracts awarded by type of contract, the total dollar amount of such contracts, and the total payments made under such contracts. The report shall also include the Finance Director's analysis of the City's experience with the requirements of this Chapter during the previous fiscal year, and the Finance Director's recommendations, if any, to amend the requirements of this Chapter or otherwise to improve the procurement process to ensure efficiency, economy and productivity, including the use of innovative means of procurement that will be competitive and in the best interest of the City. The report shall also summarize the provision of Financial Assistance, detailing for each City Agency the number and dollar amount of each type of Financial Assistance the City Agency awarded during the prior fiscal year.
   (5)   The Council President shall sign and file the reports required by subsections (2), (3) and (4) in the same manner, form and content as required in those subsections, with respect to Non-Competitively Bid Contracts awarded or to be awarded by Council.
   (6)   Any document that must be filed with the Department of Records under this Chapter shall be kept on file and available for public inspection by those agencies during regular office hours.



   Amended, Bill No. 050613 (approved December 15, 2005). See note 154 for effective date provisions.