§ 17-1003. Reporting Requirements. 135
   (1)   All bidders or contractors on any covered construction contract shall provide to the Procurement Commissioner and the Economic Opportunity Task Force, in the case of contracts to which the City is a party, or to the Director of Finance and the Economic Opportunity Task Force, in the case of contracts to which the City is not a party, such information as the Task Force, Commissioner or the Director may need to assess the bidder's or contractor's ability to meet the hiring requirements set forth in Section 17-1002, including:
      (a)   The percentage of current full-time employees who are low- or moderate-income persons.
      (b)   The percentage of workers previously hired on a temporary basis to work on construction contracts in the City who were low- or moderate-income persons.
      (c)   The bidder's or contractor's plans for achieving compliance with the hiring requirements, including any plans to utilize the services of the Philadelphia Workforce Development Corporation or any related entities, or training or apprenticeship programs such as the Philadelphia Housing Authority's Working Together for Jobs Agreement, the TOP/WIN program, the DAP program, the Congreso de Latinos Unidos Apprenticeship Prep for Trades APTitude Program, YouthBuild Philadelphia or other similar programs.



   Amended, Bill No. 020827 (approved April 24, 2003).