§ 16-305. Wheelchair Accessibility in City Buildings and Facilities. 25
   (1)   No funds appropriated in the capital budget ordinance for any fiscal year for a project involving renovation or repairs to a building may be expended unless the building has at least one entrance that is wheelchair accessible or the renovation or repairs include creation of a wheelchair accessible entrance pursuant to the standards and requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act.
   (2)   This requirement shall apply to the current and all future annual capital budget ordinances, unless in any particular fiscal year the ordinance contains specific contrary language, and shall apply in addition to any other restrictions placed on the expenditure of capital dollars contained in such an ordinance.
   (3)   This requirement shall not apply to emergency repairs.



   Added, Bill No. 071001 (approved December 18, 2007). Section 2 of Bill No. 071001 provides: "This Ordinance shall become effective 30 days after it becomes law, and shall apply with respect to projects for which a contract for design had not been executed upon the effective date of this ordinance."
§ 16-306. Firearms and Deadly Weapons in Public Buildings and Facilities. 26
   (1)   The Commissioner of Public Property and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation are called upon to promulgate regulations prohibiting the carrying of any firearm or deadly weapon in or around any City-owned or City-occupied facility; and to post prominently signs at appropriate locations setting out this prohibition. The regulations shall provide for appropriate exceptions, including for any duly-authorized law enforcement officer.
   (2)   Penalties and enforcement. Any violation of any regulations issued under this Section shall be a Class III offense, subject to the penalties set forth in Section 1-109. The provisions of Section 1-112 (relating to Notices of Violation) shall not be applicable.



   Added, Bill No. 130065 (approved April 2, 2013).
§ 16-307. LED Lighting in City Buildings and Facilities. 27
   (1)   For purposes of this Section, the term "LED lighting" shall mean a two-lead semiconductor consisting of light emitting elements and a matched driver, including other parts, used to distribute light.
   (2)   LED lighting must be installed for all lighting purposes in connection with every Major Renovation or New Construction project that involves the Expenditure of Primarily City Capital Dollars, as those phrases are defined in Section 17-111 of this Code ("Energy Efficiency and Environmental Design in Construction of Buildings"), except as follows:
      (a)   LED lighting is not technically feasible in connection with a specific lighting situation, as determined by the project architect or other associated design professional;
      (b)   The use of LED in a specific situation presents an undue cost burden, as determined by the Commissioner of Public Property; or
      (c)   The Office of Sustainability determines that an alternative lighting proposal is more energy efficient.
   (3)   This requirement shall apply to all projects funded by the annual capital budget ordinance, unless in any particular fiscal year the ordinance contains specific contrary language, and shall apply in addition to any other restrictions placed on the expenditure of capital dollars contained in such an ordinance.



   Added, Bill No. 160362 (approved June 28, 2016). Section 2 of Bill No. 160362 provides: "This Ordinance shall be effective immediately. It shall apply to projects with respect to which the first bid solicitation for any design or construction work on the project is issued after the start of the 2017 fiscal year."
§ 16-308. Baby Diaper Changing Stations in City Buildings and Facilities. 28
   (1)   Definitions.
      (a)   Diaper changing station. An affixed station or table specifically designed for use to change a baby or young child's diaper equipped with safety straps or other appropriate means to secure the child.
   (2)   Provision of Diaper Changing Stations in City-Owned Buildings Open to the Public.
      (a)   Safe and sanitary diaper changing stations should be made available to any person, regardless of gender, in City-owned buildings and facilities, including but not limited to administrative buildings, recreation centers, senior centers, and pools that have restrooms generally open to the public.
      (b)   Appropriate signage shall identify the location of all such diaper changing stations.
   (3)   Installation of Diaper Changing Stations in Connection with Capital Projects.
      (a)   Diaper changing stations shall be installed or maintained in connection with every Major Renovation or New Construction project that involves the Expenditure of Primarily City Capital Dollars, as those phrases are defined in Section 17-111 of this Code ("Energy Efficiency and Environmental Design in Construction of Buildings"), at a ratio of at least one station per three bathrooms, provided that at least one station is available in each building to any person, regardless of gender.



   Added, Bill No. 160811 (approved December 20, 2016).
§ 16-309. Prohibition of Symbols by City Employees. 29
   (1)   Prohibited Conduct. The Office of Human Resources, or such other office as the Mayor may designate, is authorized to promulgate regulations, penalties and enforcement means prohibiting symbols, materials, objects, or characterizations which one knows, or has reasonable grounds to know, arouses anger, alarm or resentment in others on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation in any or all City-owned or City-occupied facilities by City employees if, in the judgment of the Commissioner, such symbols, materials, objects, or characterizations would cause workplace inefficiencies and disruptions.



   Added, Bill No. 170877 (approved January 23, 2018).