§ 12-2801. Legislative Findings.
   The Council of the City of Philadelphia hereby finds:
   (1)   That the City of Philadelphia, in the exercise of its police powers to regulate parking, stopping and standing of vehicles within the City of Philadelphia, has enacted the comprehensive Traffic Code which was intended to provide a rational system for the enforcement of parking regulations, promote public safety and convenience, provide for the unencumbered flow of traffic and transit operations, and enhance economic activity by ensuring an adequate supply of short-term curbside parking;
   (2)   That since 1981, several blue ribbon panels have concluded that the current system of parking violation enforcement within the criminal justice system has resulted in the improper and inefficient allocation of parking violation enforcement responsibility between the judiciary and the executive branch of Philadelphia City government; the absence of centralized and uniform parking policymaking in the City; an unmanageable volume of cases in the Traffic Court; unfairness to citizens caused by the threat and stigma of a criminal sanction, unreasonable delays between the issuance of a citation and its adjudication in court, and an unpredictable process for contesting citations; and an inefficient system for the collection of parking fines;
   (3)   That the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to its police powers and pertinent provisions of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code, is authorized to provide for parking violation enforcement outside of the criminal justice system, and an administrative process for the adjudication of parking violations is an efficient, fair and reasonable alternative thereto;
   (4)   That the City of Philadelphia, pursuant to the authority granted it by Section 345 of the Parking Authority Law (53 P.S. §§ 341 et seq.) has, by Ordinance No. 1633 approved April 8, 1983, delegated to the Philadelphia Parking Authority certain powers relating to the administration, supervision and enforcement of on-street parking regulations and the collection on behalf of the City of fines and penalties imposed in connection with the violation of parking regulations; and
   (5)   That a system of administrative adjudication of parking violations should provide for the proper separation of the administrative and executive functions from the adjudicatory function in the enforcement process; establish a unified and comprehensive parking management system; provide for coordinated parking policymaking; promote a fair, uniform and expeditious system for the disposition of parking violations; and increase the collection of parking program revenues.