§ 11-502. Authorization of Paving.
   (1)   All special ordinances authorizing the Procurement Department to enter into a contract for the paving of any street or portion of it shall be enacted pursuant to this Section, and shall be in a form similar to that prescribed in Section 11-402.
      (a)   Where the paving is required or necessitated by new residential development, the ordinance authorizing a contract for such paving shall so indicate.
   (2)   Except as otherwise provided by such ordinance, every paving contract shall be prepared by the Law Department and shall provide that:
      (a)   the contractor shall collect the costs of paving, exclusive of street intersections and properties exempt by law from paving assessments, from the owners of the properties abutting on the street, according to their respective fronts as provided in Section 11-503; and
      (b)   any amount in excess of such assessments shall be paid by the City out of any item available for this purpose;
      (c)   the contractor shall file a bond satisfactory to the Law Department, guaranteeing to keep the paving in good repair for 5 years after the work is completed and accepted by the City; and
      (d)   such other provisions as the Department of Streets shall consider necessary.
   (3)   Unless otherwise provided, every ordinance authorizing a paving contract shall, without further specification, authorize the Procurement Department to advertise for proposals and to award contracts in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the Department of Streets. 43
   (4)   Whenever an ordinance authorizing a contract for the paving of streets indicates that the paving thus authorized is required or necessitated by new residential development, unless otherwise provided in such ordinance, no advertisement shall be made for the work until: 44
      (a)   the applicant builder files evidence satisfactory to the Department of Streets and/or a certified statement, to the effect that the housing developments, for which the particular paving is requested, will be undertaken and completed as a part of the housing program for which the improvements authorized in the ordinance were approved;
      (b)   the legal opening of the streets included in such ordinance which were not legally opened on the date of approval of the ordinance.



   Supersedes 1870 Ordinances, p. 299, § 2.
   Source: 1952 Ordinances, p. 273.