§ 10-2601. Definitions.
   (1)   Less Lethal. Any device designed to reduce the risk of causing fatal injury to the individual upon whom it is used, when compared to the use of firearms or other deadly force.
   (2)   Chemical Weapons. Any type of device designed as Less Lethal, to be launched or thrown as a projectile, in order to cause injury or trauma to the intended target through the action of chemicals as an eye, throat, respiratory, and/or skin irritant, as a means of crowd control. The term specifically includes, but is not limited to, any item commonly referred to as or having similar effects to "tear gas".
   (3)   Kinetic Energy Munitions. Any type of device designed as Less Lethal, to be launched from any device as a projectile, in order to cause injury or trauma to the intended target as a means of crowd control or dispersal. The term specifically includes, but is not limited to, any item commonly referred to as rubber bullets.
   (4)   First Amendment Activities. Any demonstrations, picketing, speechmaking, marching, holding vigils or religious services, and all other like forms of conduct that involve the communication or expression of views or grievances, engaged in by one or more persons.
   (5)   Department. The Philadelphia Police Department.