§ 10-824. Unauthorized Entry on School Premises. 289
   (1)   Prohibited Conduct. No person who is neither employed by The School District of Philadelphia nor a student enrolled in The School system shall enter any premises of The School District of Philadelphia without the express consent of the person in charge of the premises. Failure to obtain consent within 15 minutes after entry on those premises shall be presumptive evidence of violation of this ordinance. Employees of The School District of Philadelphia and students within the system shall only enter school premises where they are regularly assigned unless expressly authorized to enter other premises of The School District by the person in charge of those premises.
   (2)   Exemptions. This ordinance shall not apply to:
      (a)   Any governmental official going on the premises within the scope of his official duties.
      (b)   Any person desiring to enter premises of the School District of Philadelphia who does not engage in any speech or other communication, demonstration, protest, confrontation or any other activity other than that necessary to seek consent to enter the premises.
   (3)   Penalty. The penalty for violation of this Section shall be a fine of not more than three hundred dollars ($300) and imprisonment for not more than 90 days.



   Added, 1971 Ordinances, p. 363.